Born and raised in New York City, Dr. Julie Chen was expected to follow in the footsteps of her family in law enforcement, either as an officer or a lawyer as her older siblings have done. But she decided on a new path, that lead her to the medical...
The art of medicine was to be properly learned only from its practice and its exercise.
Thomas Sydenham
Still chuckling after leaving the surgery, Dr. Chen walked around to calm herself. Coming up to one of the hundreds of nurse's desks in the hospital, she saw Yang and O'Malley standing nearby. Seeing the normally reserved resident smiling broadly, the nurse sitting there decided to ask, "What's got you in such a good mood, Dr. Chen?"
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Hearing the name of her idol, Cristina's head snapped up to stare at the beautiful and intelligent doctor who went to Stanford like her. She couldn't believe she was so near to her again! Trying to play it cool, she went back to her labs but kept an ear on the conversation.
"Three words: Rapist's. Severed. Penis," Julie chuckled. Seeing the amused look on the other woman's face, she continued, "Talk about taking a bite out of crime."
O'Malley's face got a bit pale at what she said but decided to speak to Yang instead of focusing on what he heard. "Do you know what the code team does? Saves lives. I shock a heart, and someone lives to see another day." Cristina continued to ignore him, and he said, "That's upbeat. It's a glass half full –"
Having enough, the other intern snapped, "Bambi, don't say another word till after the hunter shoots your mother."
"I don't like you," George came to the conclusion.
"I have a B.A. from Smith, a Ph.D. from Berkeley, and an M.D. from Stanford, and I'm delivering lab results," Cristina complained. "It's gonna take me all day to get through these."
"Then get started," Dr. Bailey came up behind the two interns with another one following her.
"Oh, I-I wasn't complaining," Christina stuttered.
Not caring, Bailey continued, "Intern was reassigned, so he's mine now. Have him shadow you for the day. You show him how I do things." She turned around and left, leaving the three interns to stare after her.
Turning to face the new intern in their group, Cristina watched unamused as he held out his hand with a smirk, "Alex Karev. Nice to meet you."
"You're the pig who called Meredith a nurse. Yeah," taking her labs she walked away, not waiting for him to follow. "I hate you on principle."
"And you're the pushy, overbearing kiss-ass," Karev refuted as he followed her. "I, uh, I hate you, too."
"Oh, it should be fun, then," Yang deadpanned.
Shaking her head, Julie was amused at Bailey's group of interns. Deciding to talk to Chief Webber about her pregnancy, she headed to his office to see Grey outside with a red and white cooler in her hands. Knowing exactly what was inside, she chuckled again as Webber entered.