-Interrogation day 3-

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-A second lawyer, Glen, is called to replace Eduardo-

*Glen peacefully stops at a café to purchase an Americano Coffee.*

*Glen returns to his slightly outdated dark green car*

"I feel like today will be a great day!" Glen tells himself as he takes a sip of his coffee.

*He turns his car on and drives to the Mississippi police station*


-Eduardo has to beat Ronald at rock paper scissors, otherwise Ronald won't come back into the interrogation room. So far Eduardo has only picked rock for 27 turns.-

Eduardo: frustratedly: "ROCK!"

Ronald: smugly: "HAH PAPER! I WIN AGAIN!"


*The police are confused by the sudden commotion coming from the interrogation room*

Officer one: "Who wants to go investigate?"

Other officers: ...

Officer one: "...I'm not going..."

*The other officers push officer one, Jim, towards Ronald. Who is still trapping Eduardo inside the interrogation room with the table.*

*Jim makes a disgusted face as he looks at Ronald McDonald.*

*He turns back to the other officers and whispers* "Guys please, he'll probably give me a skin infection or something..."

-Back to Glen-

*Glen perfectly parks his car in the police department's parking lot*

*Glen hums as he gathers the necessary supplies he needs for a brand new interrogation.*

*He enjoys the quiet stroll from his car to the reception desk. He checks in and is told where to go.*

*Glen is confused by the majority of the officers staying almost huddled together on the opposite side of his destination. Some of them have gone as far as sharing desks and bringing extension cords and plugging equipment into them.*

*Glen's initial excitement slowly turns into anxiety building in his stomach.*

"oh boy..." He mumbles to himself as he continues to cautiously walk towards the interrogation room.

*He's met with an officer standing a good 6 feet away from the room. It's as if he's in a trance. The officer is just staring at...*

-Glen's eyes go wide as he lays eyes on RONALD MCDONALD?!-

*Glen takes a deep breath trying to keep his composure*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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