Unexpected guest

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You ended up getting up and making yourself some noodles- after putting on your shirt shamefully. So now you were sitting in the couch in the living room eating while watching some show about dragons- oh the irony but maybe deep down you decided to leave it on just out of curiosity because really you knew nothing about someone you just found out to be an actual dragon, or dragon heart predecessor thing whatever he said.

The ding of the elevator reaching your floor signaled what you thought was Neuvillette getting home so you immediately said something wanting to make your statement clear.

"Listen Neu that can never happen again I think it's for the best we don't... Almost or sleep together again like at all." You said firmly and the only response was someone clearing their throat followed by a light chuckle that was as quiet as possible. "Neuvillette I'm not jok-" you turn your head and meet the eyes of a black haired man who you recognize as your husbands groomsman at the wedding.

"Sorry to disappoint you Mrs. L/n but I'm not your husband." He says calmly as he leans back against the wall near the elevator door. The man was in light colored pants and boots that went up to around his knees and one of the most notable features a set of handcuffs attached to his belt that lead up to a dress shirt and cape.

"S-Sorry sir you weren't- that wasn't meant for your ears." You flush in embarrassment but he just smiles rather politely.

"It's fine, so based on the reaction when I got here Neuvillette is out?" He asks looking up at the high ceiling of the penthouse.

"Yeah he left like an hour or so ago." You say covering yourself with a nearby blanket embarrassed to only be in a T-shirt with literal lingerie under. "S-So not to be rude but what's your name I never got it at the wedding..." Your voice trails off slightly as you look at him expectantly.

"Hm? Oh I'm Wriothesley, kinda disappointed Neuvillette didn't mention me. Speaking of Neuvillette what was that nickname you called him?" He leans off the wall slightly and walks over to the couch as he studies you for an answer.

"O-Oh that that was just uhm well- I don't know." You give up on looking for an answer if you were being honest you don't know where it came from but at the same time it was probably a good thing that wasn't Neuvillette because if it was he'd probably have ignored your words and got turned on even more by the name.

"It's cute." Wriothesley hums as he runs his hand through his hair giving you a flash of gray areas in his hair.

"Are you old?" The words blurt out of your mouth before you even actually think about what you were saying and you immediately froze as soon as you realized what you said. But he's not even mad he chuckles and buries his head into his hands so you can't see the tears forming in his eyes from how funny he finds it. "I didn't mean to be rude sorry-" You start but he quickly interrupts you.

"No I'm not old I was born like this." He says as he finally calms down even though he found it so funny he remained calm and collected almost completely it was kinda weird.

"Really?" You inquire, his words piquing your curiosity.

"Mhm it's a part of taking care of demonic creatures for awhile." He shrugs and brushes it off like nothing but your mouth falls into an O shape as you stare at him like he just told you his grandma died after wrestling five crocodiles while riding a shark.

"O-Oh yeah I did that all the time as a kid." You respond but he takes it as sarcasm and it's quite obvious because his body immediately falls completely still and his polite smile falters.

"I'll be taking my leave thank you for your time Mrs. L/n, also tell Neu when he gets back to call me." Even though he acted calm him being passive aggressive was very obvious and the fact that he called Neuvillette Neu and said it in such a hard way proved it.

"Ah yes bye then Wriothesley." You try smiling politely but it's more of a half-assed grin. He gets on the elevator one of the bottom buttons and your elevator doors start to close but before they're fully shut he taps his hand cuffs almost like a warning. Then he's gone leaving no evidence of being there in the first place, and if you were being honest it was kinda frustrating.

You slap your face as you realize this entire time there's been a video talking about a dragons rut cycle in the background and if Wriothesley is aware of Neuvillette being a dragon he'll most definitely think you're done kind of perverted creep. Sighing you push yourself back down so your laying down on the couch staring at the ceiling as something about having two breeding organs plays in the background- it's definitely not helping your sour mood like at all.

"Mommm mommmm mommmmm." Your ringtone for your mom blares out making you practically jump out of your own skin in surprise.

"Yes huh what's up?" You say as you swipe on your phone even remembering when you grabbed it.

"I need you here now Neuvillette and his dad are demanding we add having children to your marriage contract." Your dad speaks in to the phone, it was obvious he wasn't panicking if anything he wants this considering it'll make his life so much better, all he needed was you to sighn off on the agreement since your over 18 he can't actually make choices like that for you now.

"Well what if I don't want to?!" You snap back already agitated from the whole Wriothesley situation.

"Your not getting a choice be here in 30 minutes at the most." Before you even respond he hangs up the beep of the call ending blaring in your ear.

Shit what were you even gonna wear? You can't exactly show up in lingerie and a oversized T-shirt, and you didn't have much time to figure it out considering it's a 15 minute drive there.

The charm of a dragon  (Neuvillette X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now