Woe is the Lonliest Number Part 2

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Wednesday's POV:

Edgar Allan Poe said, "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see."

Clearly, Nevermore's most famous alumni picked that up here. No wonder he became a drug-addled madman.

"Help me understand why you claim you witnessed a murder." Dr. Kinbott tried coercing me to speak. "Was it to gain attention?"

"Why should I bother telling you anything?" I ask defensively. "You've already decided I'm lying. I know what I saw."

"Your life's had a lot of upheaval recently. It's okay to be confused about things."

"Don't try and lure me into one of your psychological traps."

"No one is trying to trap you.
I'm here to help you process your emotions."

"Emotions are a gateway trait. They lead to feelings, which trigger tears. I don't do tears."

"Tell me how you're adjusting to school."

"Quite honestly, I'd rather stay by myself writing." With the accompany of (Y/n), but I didn't tell my therapist that.

"Wednesday, Part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people. Become part of a larger community."

"I like being an island. A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks."

"Have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by fear of rejection?"

"If you were to reject me, I would not be upset." I said dismissively.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. And look, you made it through an entire session without trying to escape. I'll take that as a win." She said with a smile.

I get up quickly and leave the building.

As I'm exiting, I hear a voice.

"Guess you decided to stick around Jericho." Tyler says. Wait, you see Dr. Kinbott too?"

"You should know I'm legally required to be here." I tell him annoyed.

"Uh, me too. Court ordered."

"Look at us. A couple of teenage tearaways." I say in slight amusement.

He chuckles and stops me from walking any farther. "Hey, when you ran off last night at the Harvest Festival, I wasn't sure what happened, and then I heard... Kinda crazy."

"Everyone, including your father, believes (Y/n) and I made it all up."

His phone rings

"You know, I..." He looks down at it.

"Time to get in touch with my inner rebel." I tell him.

Before I'm out of ear shot I hear him say, "You know, for the record, I believe you."

I walk away and go back to Nevermore.


"People, come on! Let's work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners. If Bianco Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!" I hear my roommate fuss over a canoe at other members of Ophelia Hall, including (Y/n).

"I would pay money to see that." I say behind him.

"Howdy, roomie!" Edward says. "I'm glad you decided to stay."

"I thought you wanted your single room back."

"Full disclosure, I don't like living solo and Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win. So... why the change of heart?" He asks. I look towards (Y/n) as she is painting teeth on the canoe. She has a bit of white across her cheek and on the top of her nose. She looks.. cute.

Wednesday (Male Wednesday x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now