Friend or Woe Part 5

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(Y/n)'s POV:

He kissed me.

He asked my to be his girlfriend, well technically just his but still.

I am his.

And he is mine.

The amount of happiness within me is immeasurable.

He smiles at me, and grasps my cheek. He places a kiss against my forehead then takes a step back.

"Come my darling, we have to find more information on Crackstone," He says.

He holds his arm out to me, I grasp it and we begin to walk again.

I wonder if he can hear my erratic heartbeat. I begin to naw on my cuticle out of nervousness of him seeing me being nervous.

Can he feel the way my breathe hitched when he kissed me. It felt like my entire world exploded. I forgot how to breath. How to think.

When his hand traced my curves, and gently traced my spine... it felt as if he lit a match on gasoline everywhere his fingers touched.

I crave his touch. I crave his kiss. I crave him.

I adore the way his eyebrows furrow when he's concentrating.

He's so wonderful.

We get to the ruins and Thing signs that he was expecting more.

"I was expecting more too." I said to him.

Suddenly an elderly man who looked to be homeless grabs my arms and snarls in my face.

"Who you talking to, little girl?" He growls.

"Use "little" and "girl" to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety." I say ripping my arm from him.

Wednesday pulls me behind him in a protective way.

"This is my place. Get out!" The man yells at us.

"Thing, a hand here?" Wednesday says to Thing.

Thing grabs the mama hand and begins to squeeze to the point the mama fingers became purple.

Wednesday turns to me, grabs my hand and brings up to inspect it.

"Are you ok mia prezioso?" He asks rubbing my wrist.

"I'm ok, just startled." I say.

He turn my palm towards him. He kisses my the inside of my wrist.

The man continues to squeal and gripe until he finally leaves.

"There's nothing here." Wednesday says to both Thing and I.

Thing taps and says 'Can't you just touch something and see a vision.'

"No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously."

"You could always ask your father Wednesday." I suggest.

He deadpans at me, "I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my father for advice."

Thing taps again

"Oh, you want me to prove it to you?" He goes around touching random spots and i teams sarcastically. "No. Nothing. Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight." He says as he picks up a Taco Bell bag.

"My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks." He says as his head flies back.

He begins to fall so I rush over to catch him. I lay his head in my lap, and begin to brush my fingers through his hair.

A few minutes pass, and it begins to rain.

"That's just perfect timing Wednesday." I say sarcastically. I try and cover his face as best as possible.

Wednesday's POV:

I find myself watching a crowd of pilgrims gather in a circle, yelling at the boy from before.

"Burn him! Burn him!" They shouted, "Burn him! Burn him! Devil spawn!"

"Repent! Begone! Witch!" They continued.

"Stand aside!" A talk man with a top hat, cane, and a cape walks through the crowd.

"Goody Addams! You have been judged before God and found guilty. You are a wizard, a beast, Lucifer's child herself. For your sins, you will burn this night, and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire." He spits at the boys face.

"I am innocent. It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried. We were here before you, living in harmony with nature and the native folk. But you have stolen our land. You have slaughtered the innocent. You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit. You are the true monster. All of you!" The boy shouts back from the ground.

"The Devil ne'er sent such a demon. And I will send you back! No!" He says as he grabs the boy up and drags him to the barn.

"You are abominations in the Devil's grip! I will not stop till I have expunged this New World of every outcast. Godless creatures!" He says as he throws Good to the ground.

"Set it ablaze!" All around the other captives begin crying and screaming out for help.

"Ophelia! Darling!" The boy shouts in fear. A girl who escaped being chained to the floor runs to his arms.

"My love! I thought he killed you." Goody wept into the girls hair.

"Oh my darling, I shan't ever be separated from you." She says as she gives him a chaste kiss.

"We must leave, we must avenge the Outcasts. We must find the others and save our future." Goody says pulling her to a trap door to escape.

"Please my love, we must run. Run as fast as we can. We are their only hope." Goody says while placing a kiss upon her head.

I find myself back in front of the present day meeting house, and turn around when I find Goody in front of me grabbing my shoulders, and I see his wife Ophelia behind him.

"He won't stop until he's killed us all!" Goody tells me urgently.

"He's here." Ophelia grabs his arm and he places it around her pulling her to his chest.

I come back as he says this.

I sit up almost bumping my head with (Y/n)'s.

"Thing, (Y/n) I saw her! The boy from my visions. His name is Goody Addams, and I believe he's my ancestor from 400 years ago.

I pull (Y/n) up and feel her shiver.

"Oh mi amore, are you cold?" I ask while wrapping my arm around her shoulders to bring some warmth back to her.

She giggles into my chest, "No I'm ok, let's just get back to town to warm up before the ceremony."

Hey y'all!!

Another episode done!! I hope y'all love it!!

Let me know what y'all think!! And don't forget to like and comment!!

I'll see y'all in the next one!!

Word Count: 1,035

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