Chapter 8 Song After Song

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After lunch I begin my search for Andi, it takes a while but I find her in our secret room. I find this funny because I can't remember when I started thinking about it as our room an not mine. "Hey, I was hoping to find you here." I pray her mood is improved from this morning.

I receive a smile in return. "Yep, you found me."

Back in studio one I sit on the couch and she grabs a rolling desk chair, spinning it around as she grabs a guitar. I ask for her opinion and she looks at me, she looks interested. Then she grins "Let's write a hit song!"

I laugh and then ask the question I just about have the answer figured out to already, "how'd your big letting go?"

"Awesome! I'm getting just what I wanted... almost."

This is an improvement from someone who didn't know what they wanted just last night. "Cool, so you are getting a pierced nose and navel, and have a minimum of 5 boyfriends a week?"

She laughs again, a beautiful sound. "No! I get my jeans and flannel. And baseball caps!"

I knew she could do it! Although she hasn't a clue how she managed it. "It's your eyes." I blurt out, immediately wishing I didn't say it.

"Come again?"

"When you really want something it shows in your eyes."

Now she clams up and won't look at me again and I try to smooth things over.

"I mean it, I can tell you have a real passion for music! All you'd have to do to see it is look in your eyes whenever you talk about music, or while you are playing."

"So... um... for the song, uh, what direction were you thinking?" She's done talking about herself, not a good start for our session.

"I'm not sure, it is your song."

"Well you're a lot of help." I see her memory spark and even if she's not looking at me I can tell she's got an idea.

"Spit it out."

She hesitates then opens up, now the ideas flow and we stop acting awkward.

"Oh! I was assigned a band today!" She mentions excitedly as we work up a title for the song.

"That's awesome! You're defiantly staying around a while. I wink at her and she looks back at the notebook in front of her. She looks proud and I feel the same pride, too bad I'm leaving on Friday for a string of gigs. I'm having fun being a mentor, a note forms in my head, I should send her some encouragement before I leave. The girl with the electric eyes is really starting to grow on me. Andi Kent is coming out of her shell and it's an amazing thing to witness.


Breaks are few and far between. Em and I are together again but who knows how long that will last? Back at the studio dropping some stuff off I get notice that Andi is doing a photo shoot. While I know I should go see my parents, or call Em to finalize our plans for tonight I really want to see how Andi is doing.

I track down an address, or rather a park and I drive there. Scratching at the scruff on my chin, there's been no time to do anything since last week. I see the crew and I see Andi standing in the middle on the crowd. She looks like a star standing there with her guitar. As I walk up I see her take off and everyone else beaks apart. I follow her and suddenly she's gone. I'm about to turn around when a light strumming sounds through the soft spring day. After a minute her voice joins in.

"Blue sky, a place to fly free
Blue jeans, easier days ahead" then she sighs.

"Hello there." I decide to interrupt, I walk around a tall oak and find her seated on the ground behind it.

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