Chapter 35 Working Together, Working It Out

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Sometimes it feels like Andi and I are already married. Especially when we fight. And I still can't describe it, but when I fight with her I just feel alive.

"10 days!" Matt calls as I walk into the studio.

"Glad someone's keeping track." I laugh a little, the nerves have been getting the better of me.

None of the guys comment on my clothing being the same thing that I was wearing yesterday. I'm sure they noticed. I actually just woke up and ran here at top speed. Last night was a late one.

With Andi finalizing the menu, the guest list, and the music I found her in a bit of an upset. She's been using studio one like her office. Every free moment she's in there. Sometimes I step in the door and watch her play piano to relieve stress in between making phone calls and the meetings about her 'Hero' tour.

She was more unnerved last night and eventually she fell asleep in my arms, making me promise to never leave her. She's so afraid I'm going to leave, decide she's not worth it.

After she fell asleep I stayed awake for a while, just holding on to her and thinking about how stubborn she can be. The way she puts herself down and thinks she needs to apologize to fans who pay money to meet her. The shocked expression I see on her face whenever someone recognizes her. How tender and caring she can be. I admire her fight and humility, they are qualities I wish for more in myself.

A set of fingers snap in front of my face as I am jolted back into the present and out of my thoughts.

"Hello? You in there man?"

"What? Yeah, just in need of-"

"Coffee anyone?" Andi steps through the door with coffee mugs stacked on coffee mugs. I honestly have no idea how she opened the door.

"You complete me." I grin at her as I take one of the carry out sleeves from her to lighten her load.

"Why do you think I'm marrying you." She shoots back. "Good morning Justin."

She moves about the room and hands out drinks, I watch her until she catches me starring. She must have gone home and come back because she looks fresh as a daisy. When she finishes she starts for the door but I catch her wrist.

"Please stay."

She looks over to Steve and Matt who shrug their shoulders. "Okay but just for a little while. I've got a meeting at 11."

With Andi around and the caffeine working its way into my system I find myself razor sharp and full of ambition and drive. I get so into it I don't realize when she leaves, as if in a blink of the eye it's time to break for lunch.

"I think we made good progress today." Dann clasps me on the back as he heads out. "Lunch is on me."

"If we didn't do good would I be buying lunch?" I question with a loose smile on my face.

"You bet." He laughs then looks up and notices something. "But I think you won't be joining us for lunch."

I follow his gaze and see Andi waiting by the front door. "Let me just check."

"Trust me, I know that look. Good luck." He greets Andi as he passes her and she gives him a tight smile and an apology.

"Hi. What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

I hate those 3 words. "Sure, but can I get something to eat? I'm starving."

"Yeah... I'll drive." She offers and I don't decline. I simply follow her out to the parking lot and we get in her car. "Now... I made this," she pulls out a cooler and opens it.

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