Chapter 1

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Shush....Jacks voice filled the air of the dark quiet bedroom. "But..." "But nothing y/n. Its okay now I'm here" His voice soothing my soul. "For now at least..."I say drifting off and falling back asleep once again.

~~next day~~~~
I had woke up shivering. I looked around and realized I was alone. Had I dreamed of Jack being here with me? Surely I had. I pushed the covers off of me and swung my legs over the side of my bed. Goodness my head hurt so bad. I walked down stairs and decided to make some breakfast. I opened my fridge..ugh nothing, well nothing appealing at least. I looked through my freezer and found a few breakfast sandwiches I could warm up. As I was waiting for them to finish in the microwave I heard my brother, Rian, walking into the kitchen. "Well good morning miss bed head" He said grabbing him a breakfast sandwich from the box I had left out. "We got school today you know that right sis?" He said taking my breakfast sandwich out and putting his in. "WHAT?!? I THOUGHT TODAY WAS SATURDAY!" I yelled rushing to my room and grabbing my clothes. "Don't eat my sandwich while I'm in the shower kay?" I said racing past Rian. "I won't make any promises." I heard him yell back as I slammed the bathroom door. Crap crap crap I'm going to be so late. I thought as I got into the shower. I quickly finished and started brushing my hair. ugh it's not working. So I decided just to put it into a high ponytail. "Hey y/n you've got 10 minutes!" I heard Rian yell at me through the bathroom door.
I finally got ready and sat down and began to eat my breakfast sandwich whenever the bus decided to come. I walked down to it with Rian while eating my breakfast. Ugh here comes another long day. I thought.
Sorry if this sucks but it's late at night and I decided it would be a good time to write it

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