Chapter 5

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I rolled over and barely opened my eyes. I looked at the clock which read 12:30. I groaned loudly and sat up. I rubbed my eyes since they were still adjusting to the light. I pushed myself off my bed and made my way downstairs. I stubbled into the place I usually sit. I looked around the kitchen while still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and realized that my mom was making lunch. "Well look who finally decided to wake up." she said smiling at me. "I had a rough night no thanks to you guys..where did you even go anyways?" She laughed and looked at me. "Well we got you a car." "WHAT???!! WHAT KIND IS IT??" I yelled jumping up. "Think of your favorite show.." She said smirking. "DONT YOU TELL ME YOU GOT ME THE BABY!" I yelled jumping up. My mom laughed at me and continued to make what looked like sandwiches. "WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled once again. "With your father and hes outside, oh when you go out there tell them lunch will be ready soon." She said turning back around. I ran up to her and hugged her while yelling thank you. Then I ran through the living room and out the door and didnt even bother to put shoes on. I saw my dad and Rian,Zack,Alex, and Jack all surrounding my brand new baby. "OMG ITS REAL!" I screamed running up to it and hugging my dad as he handed me the keys. I was checking my new car out whenever Rian asked if he could take a ride in it with me. "Maybe..but you cant complain about my music." I said looking at him. "Why nottt?" He asked giving me puppy eyes. I looked at him and then spoke in the deepest voice I could muster "House rules Sammy, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." I then opened the car door and sat down in it, adjusting the seat. "Oh yeah lunch will be ready soon." I said starting up the Impala.
sorry if this isnt the best but I dont really have any inspiration to write right now and school starts soon..ugh. but i hope you like it!

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