Something Is Wrong

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Sunny Laid In His New Bed, Wondering About All His Friends
Are They All Dead Or?
"This Is Confusing" Sunny Said Quietly
Sunny Stood Up And Went To The Kitchen
Kel Has Been In The Hospital For At Least 2 Months.. A Long 2 Months...
Hasn't Been Getting Better Really...
Aubrey Is Ready To Visit Him Again, Hesitating A Bit But She Still Goes..
When Aubrey Enters The Room, He's The Same As Yesterday, Weak...
"Hey Kel" Aubrey Said
Kel Didn't Answer Like Always...
Aubrey Gave Up Talking To Him And Ended Up Just Staying There For A Few Hours
Aubrey Left Wondering What Would Happen Tomorrow But That's A Question For Tomorrow Only Tomorrow...
Sunny Got To The Stairs And Swallowed Hard But Ended Up Walking Down Them Quickly
Sunny Got To The Kitchen
"Oh Dear Why Don't You Eat, You Look Hungry" Sunny's Mom Said
Sunny Nodded And Sat At The Table, Feeling Ok.. Mostly...
"Here You Go Sunny" Sunny's Mom Put A Plate Of Pancakes On The Table
Sunny Picked Up His Fork And Bit Into The First Pancake
It Didn't Seem To Change Him In Any Way, At Least For The Most Part...
Sunny Didn't Think About It And Finished The Plate With No Exception
Sunny Quickly Stood Up And Ran To The Door
Sunny Tripped With A Loud Thud Shaking The House A Bit
Sunny Got Up And Opened The Door And Walked Out
Sunny Walked Out Into The Heating Sun Shining On Him...
Sunny Didn't Like It But It Was What It Was.. He Couldn't Change It...
Sunny Sat On A Bench Thinking About Whoever Was On His Mind And That Was Kel...
Sunny Thought About Kel.. Sunny Didn't Know About Kel's Incident So He Thought Kel Would Never Do Anything Like Try Or Do Suicide... Sunny Was Wrong..
Sunny Felt A Feeling Of Guilt Go Through His Body

Sobbing Could Be Heard, Aubrey' Tears Streamed Down Her Face..

Sunny Knew Something Wasn't Working And Had To Figure Out What Was...

Wish Him Luck

Hey Y'all So I Have School In A Couple Of Minutes And Wish Me Luck On My Test😭😭😭😭
Anyway Bye 🤩

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