The Last Time...

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Aubrey Woke Up, Feeling Ok
She Got Up And Went To The Kitchen
She Got Some Cereal Again
It Tasted Very Good
Froot Loops Are Good Mostly
"Yummy" Aubrey Thought
Aubrey Finished Eating And Went To The Living Room
She Decided To Watch Some TV
She Sat On The Couch And Turned On The TV
After A Few Hours, It Was Lunchtime
Aubrey Just Had Some Leftover Pasta Again
It Was Ok
Aubrey Decided To Take A Nap
Aubrey Went Back To Her Room And Laid In Her Bed
She Rolled In Her Bed A Bit, Having Trouble Sleeping
She Eventually Was Able To Fall Asleep
By The Time Aubrey Woke Up, It Was Dinner
Aubrey Stood Up And Went To The Kitchen
Aubrey Decided To Make A Simple Grill Cheese
Aubrey Then Sat At The Table And Ate It
It Was Tasty
After Dinner She Put Her Plate In The Sink And Suddenly Her Phone Started Ringing
Aubrey Grabbed Her Phone And It Was The Number Of The Hospital
She Picked Up
"Hello..!" Aubrey Answered
"We Have Something To Tell You" The Voice Over The Phone Said
"Yea, Go Ahead" Aubrey Said
"Kel Died In His Sleep, I'm Sorry For Your Loss" The Voice Over The Phone Said
"Oh" Aubrey Said
Aubrey Hung Up The Phone
She Couldn't Be, Kel Was Dead
Aubrey Had Tears In Her Eyes
Aubrey Quickly Called Sunny
Sunny Answered
"Sunny I Have To Tell You Something" Aubrey Said
"Yea, What Is It?" Sunny Said
"Kel's Dead" Aubrey Said
"What.." Sunny Said
"I Guess It's Just You And Me Now" Aubrey Said

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