Something Went Wrong...

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Aubrey Came Into The Room
"Kel Are You Awake?" Aubrey Said
Kel Wasn't Awake
Aubrey Then Left The Room
When Is He Even Going To Wake Up!
Aubrey Suddenly Heard A Noise Coming From The Room
Aubrey Went To The Room To Find Kel Coughing Violently
Aubrey Went Over To Kel
"Hey, Hey Just Calm Down" Aubrey Said
Kel Finished His Coughing Fit As He Cried
"Hey It's Ok..." Aubrey Said
Kel Hugged Aubrey
"It Hurt" Kel Said As He Cried
"It's Ok, I'm Here" Aubrey Said As She Kissed His Forehead
Kel Leaned On Aubrey
Aubrey Rubbed His Head
Kel Closed His Eyes As He Stopped Crying
Kel Ended Up Falling Asleep
Aubrey Put Kel Back In His Bed And Put The Blanket Over Him
Aubrey Walked Out And Went Back To Making Breakfast
Sunny Was Awake And Was Sitting On The Couch
He Was A Bit Sad But That's It
Kel Woke Up And Coughed As He Stood Up And Wobbled A Bit Auto The Kitchen, Feeling Tired And A Bit Woozy
Kel Got To The Kitchen And Saw Aubrey Eating Breakfast
Kel Started To Wobble To Aubrey But Fell To His Knees And Wheezed And Coughed, Seeming To Be Out Of Breath
Aubrey Sees This And Runs To Kel
Kel Gasps For Air, Coughing
Aubrey Quickly Calls An Ambulance
Kel Is Taken To The Hospital Once Again!
Kel Wakes Up In The Hospital Seeming Out Of Breath
Kel Looks Around And Sees Aubrey
Kel Tries To Talk But Kel Ended Up Gasping For Air Instead
"I Don't Know What Happened Kel But Don't Worry" Aubrey Said
A Few Minutes Later, A Nurse Comes In And Alerts Them On Whats Going On
"It Seems This Is Caused By The Water In His Lungs" The Nurse Said
The Nurse Explains Some Stuff And How Kel Would Be Able To Go Home In A Few Days
Aubrey Is Happy To Hear That...
Also Lucky To Here That To...
He Could Of Died You Know......

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