A Few Days Later...

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It Was Morning When Aubrey Flicked The Lights On
"Kel! Today Is The Day You Finally Get To Go Outside!" Aubrey Said
Kel Didn't Light The Bright Light So He Put His Head Under The Pillow
"Oh Sorry Kel" Aubrey Said As She Flicked The Lights Off
Kel Sat Up In His Bed, Tears In His Eyes As He Blinked Hard And Coughed
Aubrey Went To Kel And Hugged Him
"I Like You Treating Me Like A Baby" Kel Said Quietly
"Hey! I'm Only Doing It Because Your Basically Sick" Aubrey Said
Aubrey Stopped Hugging Kel
"Anyway Just Get Dressed" Aubrey Said
Aubrey Left The Room
Kel Finished Getting Dressed And Went To The Living Room To Find Aubrey Waiting For Him
"Come On Let's Go" Aubrey Said
Kel Nodded As He Grabbed Aubrey's Hand
"I Want Company" Kel Said Quietly
Aubrey And Kel Walked Out
Kel Blinked Hard When The Heated Sun Shined On Them
Aubrey Rubbed Kel's Head
"Don't Worry You'll Get Used To The Sun Again" Aubrey Said
Kel Kept Holding Aubrey's Hand
"I'm Tired" Kel Said Quietly
Aubrey Found The Nearest Bench And Sat Kel Down On It
Aubrey Sat Next To Him
Kel Put His Head On Aubrey Shoulder
After A Few Minutes, Kel Coughed
Can We Go To Your House Again, I Don't Like The Sun In My Eyes" Kel Said Quietly
"Ok Fine" Aubrey Said
Aubrey And Kel Got Up And Kel Held Onto Aubrey's Hand Again As They Walked Back Into The House
When Aubrey And Kel Got Back To The House, Kel Went To Aubrey's Bed And Laid Down
Aubrey Decided To Make Lunch As Kel Fell Asleep
Kel Suddenly Woke Up To The Sound Of Ringing In His Ears And Him Woozy And Dizzy
Kel Coughed Up Blood And Felt Like He Was Going To Faint
Aubrey Heard A Sound And Went To Her Room To Fine Kel On The Floor, Coughing Up Blood And About To Faint
Aubrey Got Kel To The Bathroom Fast
Aubrey Went To Get A Sandwich
Aubrey Came Back To The Bathroom And Kel Looked Pale And Tired
Aubrey Put The Sandwich In Kel's Mouth
"Chew" Aubrey Said
Kel Chewed The Sandwich And Looked A Bit Better
As Kel Ate The Sandwich, He Started Getting His Color Back
"You Were Just Hungry Kel" Aubrey Said
After Kel Ate The Sandwich, He Stood Up And Went Back To Aubrey's Room As Aubrey Followed
Kel Laid In The Bed As Aubrey Put The Blanket On Him
"Have A Good Nap!" Aubrey Said As She Flicked Off The Lights And Walked Out Of The Room

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