Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

The Next Day.....

Pyrrha and Nora are in class as they were discussing on how to tell Y/n about team RWBY cheating.

Nora: So, how are you going to tell Y/n? Team RWBY will get suspicious if you try to speak with privately.

Pyrrha: I just need to get him alone so I can explain everything to him because I refuse to see Y/n get cheated on without his know about. Besides I don't think they even notice us being there while they were busy having fun with Sun and Neptune.

Nora: Good point... I just can't believe team RWBY would do this. But what I don't know is why? Why cheat on Y/n after he been good to them.

Pyrrha: I don't know... it just doesn't make sense to me either. It not like them to do this kind of thing to someone especially to someone they're dating.

Nora: Here he comes!

Nora pointed out, Y/n coming in class alone as Pyrrha stand up from her seat to go speak with Y/n.

Pyrrha: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Hey, Pyrrha! Have you seen team RWBY this morning? I checked on their dorm but didn't get any response.

Pyrrha felt bad for Y/n of not knowing the truth behind team RWBY recent disappearance of better yet... they're constant cheating behind his back with Sun and Neptune.

Pyrrha: Sorry, no Y/n. I haven't seen them all morning...

Y/n: Oh, really... to be honest, I starting to wonder what they been up to lately. Is starting to make me worried and sure I hanged out with them just yesterday, but they are starting to become distant with me.

Pyrrha: *thought* Oh, Y/n....

Y/n: Hopefully, I can asked them why they been acting this when I see them.

Pyrrha: Actually Y/n, I don't think they'll tell you the truth.

Y/n: Why do say that?

Pyrrha: Well you see...

As Pyrrha was going to tell Y/n the truth by showing the video from last night. Suddenly, team RWBY came busting through the door of the class looking flustered and messy.

Ruby: Sorry we're late!

Yang: We got... a little distracted!

Y/n then start making his way toward team RWBY as Phyrra wanted to stop him but slipped through her grasp.

Y/n: Girls, what happened? I went by your dorm and none of you answered. And why do all you look flustered and messy?

Blake: Our bad, Y/n... we must have overslept from last night.

Weiss: When we woke up, we sort of lost track of time.

Y/n: Ok... but doesn't explain why your faces look flustered especially your clothes looking like you came out of a crazy party or something.

Yang: Oh, about that... uh...

Ruby: We were in such a rush to get to class... we didn't have time to get properly dress so that's why you see us like this! Hahaha...

Y/n: Hmmm....

RWBY started sweating nervously thinking they been caught or figured out.

Y/n: Ok then... I guess that somewhat makes sense.

RWBY: *thought* Phew!

Y/n nose start twitching as he smell something coming from them.

Y/n: Why do I smell Sun and Neptune scent coming from you, four.

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