Chapter 5

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3rd P.O.V.

1 month later...

After a month of recovering and aura transfer from Nora and Pyrrha. Y/n injuries managed to heal properly but Ms. Peach still believes he shouldn't be fighting considering his mental state. However, Y/n disagree with the idea since he prefer being on his feet than restricted in bed for the whole day.

In which Ms. Peach tried to argue back saying he almost died in the forest if weren't for Jaune and Ren bringing him back to school before his brig of death. However, Y/n still doesn't agree with the idea of being bedridden so Ozpin and Glynda came up with an idea that benefit both of them.

Ozpin recommends that Y/n only do sparring session in Glynda classroom and would not be allowed on any mission without Ms. Peach or his permission. In which Y/n begrudgingly agree if it meant he can still participate in future missions.

And Glynda, herself promised Ms.Peach to keep an eye on Y/n during and after class to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble or doing anything reckless like last time. In which Ms. Peach, herself happily agree to hear if it meant not seeing Y/n in that state of injury again.

With that, everything went back to normal as usual... sort of? Y/n still get frequent messages and call from team RWBY asking to see him to see how he's doing and speak with him but he just delete their messages and erase their calls. However, his relationship with Nora and Pyrrha grew closer....

Learning that it thanks to Pyrrha and Nora help by transferring their aura to him on speeding up his recovery. Y/n became grateful to them as he owes them  for saving his life in which the two are happy to hear from him.

A few days goes by... Y/n notice something different about himself. The first thing was that he noticed his aura turn from green to purple, the next was that strength increased dramatically. Y/n always knew his semblance allows him adapt to any situation he's in, no matter what it is but this was different. Now his semblance has evolved from just adapting to making him a perfect fighter.

Something Y/n took an interest on testing it out for himself...

Y/n P.O.V.


Y/n: Hard to believe I change this much in just a short time...?

I was looking at myself in the mirror, seeing the massive change in my body.

I still couldn't believe it myself but here I am standing and all jacked up

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I still couldn't believe it myself but here I am standing and all jacked up. I also notice the purple aura surrounding my body leaking out like my body could barely contain it.

Y/n: Who knew spending so much time in the Forever Forest can lead me to this!

However, I wouldn't have injured myself to the brink of death in the first place if team RWBY didn't cheat on me. Making me go through the motions of grief and betrayal that I needed deal with by myself.

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