10.Bright - Dont have a choice

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I still don't believe how my life change over the night. After the blown apartment, I was prevent to go anywhere. I was lock in this ridiculously big house. I dont know what happen to my career. I was become a prisoner here. I never see win after that last call.
Who Is this people who change my life terifiedly. Until know, I dont know what make me to go thru this unbelievable life.

When will I go home, I ask phi kinn everyday. But like always he just keep quiet and leave me. It so hard to see him, because I think he is working 24 hours per day. Sometime I felt he come to see me while I was sleeping . But most of the time I was alone in this stupid big house.
I can have everything I want here, except for my freedom. The worker look scare at me. And they do anything I ask them too.

We will go out tonight, phi kinn said one day. Where, to I ask. My birthday party he reply. Really, I ask him. I never thought someone like him will celebrate his birthday. Even for someone like me, I dont celebrate birthday excessively. It just normal day. Lets get ready, you will see the real me tonight,  he said and push me slowly. All of us wearing black suit but only me wearing a white bow tie. Maybe because I am the most handsome one here. That why the stylist make me look differ from all this bad strangers. When I go down to the team, all of them look handsome and majestic but they lost their cheerful self. Its rare to see the most cheerful phi pete look quiet. You look great phi kinn said. Stay close to me he said again. I rolls my eyes but I know I will listen to him.
It was a quiet and big parade. We never move with this big scale before. At least 50 luxury car move together. I also can feel how phi kinn look so disturbed.
What wrong phi, I hold his hand gently. He look at me and smile. The smile that I rarely see. Nothing, dont worry he said and focus on his phone.

It was the most expensive house I ever see. When we arrive, I can see a lot of people lining up waiting for us. Dont be scare, stay close phi kinn said.
I nod and stay close with him. After a while all his team get together and all of us walk into the ball room. I purposely walk behind phi kinn, but he slower his pace and pull me to walk beside him.
Before I say anything, we was block by a beautiful woman who look at phi kinn with tears. Kinn, she said call phi kinn and hug him tight. I miss you kinn she said again. Thank you mother, phi kinn reply with stone face. Kinn, another guy come to greet phi kinn. He try to hug phi kinn and I notice how phi kin cleverly avoid and wai to him instead. Hi, father phi kinn again greet with same stone face. Phi, some one who I familiar with greet phi kinn. Happy birthday phi, phi mile said and give phi mile a gift. Thank you phi kinn said and look at his man who quickly receive the gift. Phi kinn don't even touch the gift. I dont dare to say a word. I dont like the atmosphere. Bright, phi mile call me but look at phi kinn when he notice me here. I really dont dare to move even an inch.
Then I look at few woman getting close and hug all phi kinn team. All of them keep hugging all the team who stand like a poll here.

Can we move to next tentative phi kinn ask his father. Can we talk a bit kinn, the poor lady ask phi kinn. I miss you, I miss you so much he said with a tears. I nearly yell at phi kinn when he ignore his own mother. Ignoring that poor woman request, phi kinn walk to the main stage. Phi Vegas push me slowly. Lets go he said. All of them try hard to leave the crying mothers. They are too cruel. Even he is definitely sad, phi kinn dad quickly host the even. Thanking everyone who attend his twin birthday. I look at phi kinn and phi mile on the stage. Both share the same face but the aura are really different. Phi mile scream royalty and luxury, a son who was pampered all his life. He is the same guy I imagine before. I nod and smile to him when he look at me. I cant explain how phi kinn look now. He scream power and charisma but he is shutting himself from everyone. He surround with the cold aura. It make him look so distance and out of place. How could it be, both are sibling and son to the same couple. I look around and see a big family picture. I quickly look at phi kinn and walk to him. I hold his hand secretly. I wish I can bring him out from here. I can feel that he is suffering. Now his other team also come closer. He look at me and smile. All the guest are happy with the celebration. But I can see the mothers who are desperate before look so sad and trying their best to look strong. After the cake cutting ceremony, phi kinn start walking off the stage. Phi, phi Mile call phi kinn. Can you stay tonight, please pity mom, he beg. I really dont want to get involved. But I am trap between the twins. After taking a deep breath, phi kinn reply. You know I cant he said to his twin brother. Please have something before leaving his mother plead with teary eyes. I will , Thank you mother, phi kinn said and pull me from the stage, back to the same place we stand before. Again all his team loyally stay beside them. No one dare to talk with them anymore.
Are you hungry, phi kinn ask me. I quickly shake my head. Dont worry I am okay, I said. I dont know the real situation but I really want to bring phi kinn out of his own birthday party. Why are we still here I ask myself angrily.
Kinn, suddenly a man and an Oldman greet phi kin. Dad, he greet him lovingly . Even he dont show any emotion, u can feel it. The he politely nod to the older man. We will leaving dad, phi kin talk to the guy he greet with his soul. Please Stay a bit more son, he said and hug phi kinn. He must be hungry, let him eat first the man call dad said and pull me to the dining table. I can see how phi mile team become more tense. I try to release myself. I will give you my life if you help me to make kinn stay for a while he said with pleading eyes. I look at the the man and then look at phi kinn. Phi, I call him and look at him with scared look. Phi kinn don't have a choice but to follow us. I can see how his team follow along.


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