19.Joss - No one can fight

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I quickly bring my team and my baby out if the pub. This is crazy. No one dare to break the rules here. Something big cant be avoided. They will be blood bath. For the time being I won't let my man get involved. I keep alert and at the same time pat my baby.  This is his first time seing people kill each other. Luckily we manage to get out and avoid the war. I hope bright also safe with kinn. The way Vegas push win to me show that, they will never hurt win.

Are you okay baby, I ask win who still hugging me. He look at me with teary eyes. Are you scare,  I ask him. He quickly nod. Dont be scare, you phi is here, no one can hurt you. I love you, I wont let you hurt, i said again. What about bright, phi kinn hate him, we should safe him too , he said crying. Phi kinn won't safe bright like you, bright said phi kinn hate him, win said worrily.  I just chuckle at my stupid baby. Phi, I am worry about bright, he said angrily.  Dont worry,  kin will safe him and kill all of them for scaring bright, I said. I just know the group tonight won't be safe even they escape death tonight.  No one dare to do that when kinn are at the situation. They  are challenging kinn indirectly. The best part is, they miss how kinn care about bright. No one will safe just because they make bright scare. No , phi kinn hate bright, win said again. Call him, he already safe.  Trust me, I said. But phi can you safe bright too next time,  win ask me innocently.  I dont have a choice but to nod. Still on my lap he call his bestfriend.  Are you okay bright, he ask quickly. Dont worry, I also okay he said again.  Okay,  call me when you reach home.  Dont be scare, phi joss promise to safe you if phi kinn leave you alone, dont worry , win said again. I just look at luke who look at me with accused eyes. Okay, I admit I don't mean it, but I will do anything for my baby, so maybe I will safe bright for him.

Win refuse to let me go.  So I have to carry him to our room. Are you still scare baby I ask him. He nod and hug me tight.  I just smile on his attitude.  He is really dramatic guy. I will need a few day to calm him down. Phi I cant sleep, he said while playing with my necklace. 
Why , I ask him. I dont know, he reply. Come here , I said and pull him closer. Don't be scare, I said again. I am glad this is not our war. I can't Imagine if I have to leave him after the attack. I will need all my luck to comfort him back. You know, this is our life,  so don't be scare too much , I said.  I need to slowly teach him how to live here.  I can spoil him as much as I want but I cant ignored that he need to prepare himself for the worst.

Phi, he suddenly climb on my body. I really love how our skin so contrast.  He is so white. I love you phi, dont leave me, he said. I cant live without you , he said again. So he is worry about me. I wont, I said and gently kiss him. I love you too I said and kiss him for real this time.  He look at me with his  beautiful eyes.
After our intimate moment, I slowly leave my baby slowly. I kiss him, again before I meet luke.

What going on, I ask when I see him.
How is win, he ask me. Sleep, I said. Is bright and win the real target,  I ask worriedly.  No, its Mike. He wont use bright or win to get both of you and kinn. He dont play dirty. I think he is targeting kinn this time luke said.  I look at luke. I dont know why, but he purposely let his man to break the rules In front of kinn. They must be shock that kinn don't react tonight. They should thank bright, if not, the war can't be avoid, luke said.  I just nod and keep thinking what make Mike attacks kinn this time.
You should stop bring win to the pub, luke said. Oh, now you worry,  I ask him scarsticly. Luke ignore me and ask. What  happen to kinn, why he bring other woman tonight.  I though he love bright,  luke said. Now I am worry about bright, luke said again. May be because they used to be in the same industries, he felt close with both win and bright. Dont worry, about bright,  dont you see how he protect bright and ignore that girl, I ask him. He dont even look at her body.  She mean nothing to kinn. The fact he leave the pub show how he want to safe bright as fast as he could ,I said . So,  why luke ask again.  I dont know, all of us have our own reason, but one thing for sure, kinn can die for bright, I said again .

Looking at my baby and bright friendship really melt my heart . Both are very sincere and care for each other.
Maybe I become more sensitive when I get older. I even jelous of something like this. May be I and kinn can be a friend if we meet in other circumstances.  I know him since I know how to use gun. I know both of us are born and destiny to be mafia. I try to not come across him because I respect the way he lead. He become the top leader not because how cruel he is, but because how he lead and safe his man from being killed or hurt. He will try to avoid killing if he can. That make his man so loyal to him and try their best for him.  Before to get kinn, we need to get through his man and his friend. All of them are willing to die for him. He look harmless,  But once he declare war, no one can fight him. He is that skilled and scary.


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