12.Bright - I refused to believe

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At first I felt uncomfortable to attending phi kinn birthday party. I felt he so arrogant because he not showing any respect for a group of people who wait for him.
How could he talk like a stranger to his parent. Then phi mile come into our story. So I am right about they have the same face , they are twins. How could I invoved in this powerful family.
Honestly, phi mile try to contact me a few time after I meet him at the party. I love to be his friend.  But some how win remind me how, he is from powerful family,  so we better don't get close or just treat him like other artist.
I don't hate him, he is nice guy, but I am common people.  I dont want to get involved with high end people.  What should I do, I am trap with this family. 

How could phi kinn and his team act like  unemotional robot.  From my observation,  the ladies who came and cry are their mothers. Why are they so distance. I dont want to make scene or any problems, so I just follow phi kinn lead quietly. When phi kinn go to main stage, I just stand with his team. The are identical twins, but they are so different that we can easily believe that they are not real twins. I dont know what the difference but I can feel it. I look at My surroundings.  So this is phi kinn house,  I look at the picture displayed at the grand Hall. I nearly cry, when I notice they is no phi kinn picture in the family photos.  They are a lot of picture with different cloth and color, but I am very sure, not one from those picture are phi kinn. Unconciously l walk to him. I dont care how will people react.  He suddenly look so lonely there. I want to be with him.  I know how it feel when you are alone in this world. At least I have win and his family. I hate to see he look so strong and powerful but deep inside he is alone.  I secretly hold his hand. Finally, I see the soul in his eyes.  He smile to me and all his team getting closer.

I am sorry that I am not a good cook. All I can  cook is instant noodles. From tonight event, I think they share the same story that they don't want to share or talk. As a good human being, I want to be there for them. At least one person even it is me the stranger will sincerely celebrate his birthday.  I can see how they try to act like normal but when they say their good bye,  I can feel how they appreciate my humble birthday party.
I try to escape from phi mile when he casually bring me to my room. He hold me tight but very gentle. For the first time, I felt like I need to be with him. I dont want him to be alone tonight.

You dont need to do this bright, phi kinn said calmly.  Do what, I ask him pretend to be stupid. I have something to discuss I said.  He finally sit down. Can we change our cloth, its uncomfortable I said before walk into the largest walking closset I ever seen. I quickly change my cloth because I dont want to leave phi kinn alone. When I go out, he already leave. So without thinking I run to his room and open his door. Phi, I call and suddenly stop when he now topless and look at me. Yes, he ask. I told you, we need to discuss something I said. What, he ask me. Should you wear something first phi, I ask him. I am okay he said teasing me. Please,  I said. Honestly, I secretly look at his beautiful body. Something that I wish I could have.

Now both of us finally sit in front each other after my apartment was blown and I was bring here leaving my career over the night. I never have a chance to refuse or to ask about my right here.
What, he ask me a bit cold. Why I am here phi, I ask him politely.  Living here make me know who phi kinn is.  So I need to be diplomatic.
Because you are mine, he said blantly. 
I close my eyes and ask again.
How long I will be here. Forever again he reply casually.  Phi, I am trying to be patient  here, I am serious I said clearly.  Phi kinn look at me and he suddenly touch my lips. This is the most Honest and serious talk I have in all my life. Phi kinn said. You must be kidding me, its impossible for me to hide here forever.  The bad people already forget about me, I said firmly. You are someone who I will never kidding about, he reply.
What I am going to do here, I have my own life I ask him a bit loud. You just need to live, he said stupidly again.
Phi, this is ridiculous, I need to go home. I miss win I said. I want to see him. I said again. Bright , the day you walk from this mansion without my people, you will die he said slowly but firm. Why, I don't do anything,  I ask again. I told you to stay away from the pub, you should know this coming phi kinn said again.  I am really confuse and angry.  What do you mean, I never hurt or disturb anyone during my two visit, why people so angry and want to kill me I said loudly. This is ridiculous,  I will go to the authority if I need to, I said again.
No one, can help you beside me now, phi kinn said. Its not about you, its about me phi kinn said. I look at him confusely.  I am supposed to kill you the day you secretly enter the pub, our secret meeting place phi kinn said. No, its not.it just normal pub I said and now I remember how cold and weird the atmosphere was. You are supposed to die that day, but I allow you to go and that make people think you are part of my group. No one are crazy enough to go near me, but you casually grab and hold my hand which is something you should not do, phi kinn said. Now I look at him worriedly.  What should I Do I ask him. This is the only thing I can do for you now, I only can offer you protection phi kinn said and then leave me alone.
I refuse to believe this..


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