24.Bright - The dark guardian

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Bai, phi kinn is dying , win said as soon as  I answer his call. What, I ask him loudly. What should we do,  win ask me. The pub, I reply to him. Phi joss said There is no the pub anymore, win said. That is my only hope, I said and quickly end the call. I run to phi mile. I need to go I said, Where, phi mile ask me quickly.  I need to find phi kinn, I said desprately.  I am sorry bright,  I don't know how , phi mile said. I know, I said confidently.  Phi mile look at me. Trust me phi,  I know , I beg phi mile. After a  moment phi mile suddenly said ,lets go.  I felt like crying. I am scare and worry.  Be calm, phi mile said when he see uncle. Where are you going uncle ask. We need fresh air, phi mile said.  I nod and refuse to look at uncle.

Are you sure, phi mile ask again. I nod. This is the place ,I said again. Lets go, mile said after he make sure his gun is filled. You are the only person who can safe me after this, so don't leave me, phi mile said.  I quickly nod. How we get in, mile ask.  With your face, I said and chuckle.  Bright, I am serious , phi mile said. Dont worry , lets go I said. The door keeper look at me and quickly look down when he see phi mile.  I nearly laugh. When we arrive I dont see phi kinn. Lets sit here, I said. I dont dare to go to any place except for neutral area. Its only 10 minutes before  I hear a commotion.  I quickly hold phi mile hand and he put me behind his back.  Dont worry, phi mile said. I pray hard and and wish to see phi kinn. Phi,  phi mile quickly greet phi kinn with shaking  voice.  What are you doing here, phi kinn yell at his twin. He is angry with phi mile but his eyes never left mine. I dont know hiw to explain how i felt after i see phi kinn. I felt relieve and grateful but angry at the same time. He never care about me. He choose to leave me at phi mile house. Lets go phi, I said to phi mile.  He is okay , I already see him with my own eyes, so i will leave. He dont want me here.I should not trust dramatic metawin. Lets go, I said try to push phi mile, but he just stand there holding my hands. Hi mile , I'm Vegas, suddenly phi Vegas greet phi mile. Phi mile smile sweetly to phi Vegas.  Lets drink, I am thirsty phi Kim said and drag phi mile to their part.  The same part like before. Phi mile dont release my hand and pull me together. I try to release my hand. You promise to safe phi, phi mile said to me and phi Vegas give him tumps up. You are clever, phi Kim said. Thank you phi mile said. I am glad phi Kim and phi Vegas accept phi mile like a friend. I try to avoid phi kinn but I cant help but to look at him at neutral area. He is trying to calm himself.  He dont even greet me. Now we are okay, Kim say and look at new person who come and go to phi kinn. I felt uncomfortable when I see him that guy casually hug phi kinn. Who is he.

Reluctantly phi kinn come to his part. Both me and phi mile sit far from phi kinn. Oh my god,  how could you have the same face with boss, a new person come and greet phi mile. Hi, I am apo he introduce himself,  and you must be bright he said again. I just nod. I hate him. Why are you here,  phi kinn ask phi mile coldly.  I don't want to be here,  but I have to protect bright like you ask me to , phi mile reply cleverly. Dont play your word here , phi kinn yell at him. I dont , phi mile reply. I dont know why he look so happy even his own twin are yelling and scolding at him. Phi kinn still refuse to acknowledged me here. So after I felt phi mile will be okay with his brother , I slowly release my hand from phi mile. I know phi Vegas observe all my action. He just smirk and lift his eyebrow. Bye phi, I said slowly to phi vegas and suddenly leave the part. I cant hold my tears anymore and cry hard. I run to my car. I am so said and full of tears. I cant even find my car keys. I can hear someone running after me. But I really dont care. I dont want to be here wether with phi kinn or phi mile. I want to be alone. Bright, I finally hear the voice I used to annoyed but miss so much now. I try to ignore him. Where is that stupid keys, I curse in my head.  Bright, phi kinn touch my hand. Dont touch me, I yell at him. Dont touch me, I said again. Bright, its not safe here,  phi kinn said calmly. I just smile to that and continue finding my key. I dont need this damm car. I can walk I said to myself. 
Bright , phi kinn call me coldly now. Dont be stubborn, he said coldly again.  I ignore him and try to escape from his grab. Leave me alone ,I said now crying again.  Bright, phi kinn call me softly now. Just go, leave me alone , I beg phi kinn. I look at his eyes. I already see that you are alright, I will go now. I wont be your burden again. I just want to see you one last time. I am sorry for coming, I said sincerely. I really will go this time. He never need me like I do. He already forgot about me. I mean nothing to him. I am so stupid. This time, I dont need your protection,  I will die if I have to, I said try to release my hand. Please let me go, I said again. Suddenly phi mile lift me and bring me to my car. How come he have my car key.  He carefully put me in the car and drive leaving the pub. It was a silent journey again. I look at phi kinn when I saw phi mile house.will he send me back here, I said in my heart. Now my tears seem cant stop. I look at phi kinn when he dont stop at the main entrance but keep driving.  Then we stop at a hill with small house. Phi kinn quietly leave the car and I quietly follow him. We now stand at a hill which its view is phi mile house which look so majestic and beautiful right now. This is me, I am the dark guardian of this majestic Palace he said slowly.


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