if you truly love me, why'd you train me to fight?

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the door opened with a creak and a sigh, the lights were dim inside and out which soothed his throbbing headache, but cuts and scratches covered his body still so he called out for medkit, hoping he was home. he slumped against the couch and simply admired his weapon, thankful that everyday he improves. a smile spread across swords face while he waited and medkits steps sounded from across the house.

sword simply looked at him with an apologetic grin and a tired chuckle, medkit immediately understanding and simply groaned, sitting next to him and starting to wrap the wounds across his body. sword never really flinched when it came to treatment, he was so used to it, but its not like it bothered him. phighting was his passion and he felt so lucky to get chances like this to improve and heal. on the other hand, his friends seemed to really worry sometimes. 

a timid knock sounded at the front door, earning another groan and huff out of medkit as he stood up to peek open the door. there stood rocket, a worried look on his face

"is sword back? from his phights?"

"im still patching him up, but yes." medkit gestured toward the couch, opening the door for rocket

even though he was in pain, he was more than happy to embrace rocket as he basically leaped into his arms, sitting on the floor infront of him afterwards. the blue demon was going on and on about how excited he was for the phestival, its basically free permission to blow up everything even more, barely realizing sword was wrapped in enough bandages to pass as a mummy.

"when the docs all done with you, can i stay over? like a sleepover!" he grinned

"you're always allowed to stay over, rocket. lost temple is your second home." a soft smile across swords face

eventually, he'd be excused by medkit and the pair headed upstairs to swords bedroom.

sword pulled off his shirt and huffed relief, throwing it to the floor. he had fun, yes, but of course he was still tired. he turned to invite rocket to bed, but noticed he had gone quiet and his face flushed with red. he just chuckled and pulled him into the netted bed anyways, reaching for the remote to turn on the tv to have something slightly entertaining. 

"i guess, how'd you get all those scars? they look pretty neat!" rocket finally said.

rocket was pulled against his side, swords arm wrapped around him and hand on his waist, the other hand pointing to scars on his torso and arms and explaining the story behind them. they were mostly long slices or gashes, and some obviously more fresh that were definitely going to scar. he listened intently, butting in with his own questions.

the quiet noise of the tv played and the chatter of excited and tired phighters played along with it. soft giggling and the ruffle of the light blanket when they readjusted, eventually turning into the click of the remote, making the room dim. rocket had fallen asleep cuddling and listening to sword after some time, in a way it was like a bedtime story, learning about the one dearest to him.

when sword awoke in the morning, he found himself pushed into the edge of the net and rocket splayed across him, almost falling out, but atleast he had the blanket. he moved over to nestle against rocket, softly kissing his forehead and wrapping them both in the blanket this time. 

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