dirty low frequencies, i wanna feel inside of me

513 8 125

cw probably they make out
boomboard i fixed it i think I HATE SKATEBOARD DUDE hes so lame 


boggio skatepark, right after a match. overtime had gone over way longer than it needed, the damned conquer ring. skates team had just been informed they won. he was so exhausted he could barely celebrate, just sliding down beside a curb and huffing, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

a metallic clunk and someone sitting behind him caused him to peek, being greeted with the gentle smile of boombox. 

"hey skate, you alright?" he reached his hand out to hold his, softly rubbing it with his thumb 

he groaned, letting his arms go loose at his sides, "just such a tough match man! and for whaaat?!.." he scoffed

boombox simply chuckled back, "want me to play somethin'? to get your mood up?" he pulled his boombox closer with his free hand

"nah man, we gotta go back to playground. i can hear the couch calling me.." he said almost in a dreamy tone "..just, let me sit here for a sec." he slouched further

he was snatched up against boombox, back to his chest, his arms holding skate up so he didnt slip back down. he was humming a soft tune that echoed in the now empty park. it seemed skate quickly relaxed.

 they stayed there for a moment until the sun had begun to set, mutually agreeing that it would be time to leave this place.

skate stood up, stretching for a moment before turning back to reach his hand out for boombox to grab onto, pulling him to stand up. he propped his boombox onto his shoulder, carrying it as they walked back to the apartment, small chatter in between. fortunately they had chosen a place nearby the park, for obvious reasons, but the walk wasnt too far so skateboard didnt get much longer to complain about how tired he was.

they stepped up a few stairs, passing other doors on the way up. boombox pushed the key into the door of their apartment, holding it open with his free hand and letting skateboard in first. by the time he had got in and shut the door, locking it again, skate had thrown himself onto the couch with a loud "uughhhhh..." , muffled by the cushions.

skate had not switched out of phighting clothes or gear. he usually did that, but, sling still thought it was pretty gross. boombox had slipped on something comfier and woke himself up a little, wiping water on his face and fixing up his hair, sitting next to skate on the couch. 

"it's always nice to come back here though! some more one on one time, y'know?" he chuckled

skate quickly propped himself up, scooting over to sit next to boombox now, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pressing closer to him

"oh yeah, spending time with you is pretty rad" he said with a smirk, pressing a kiss on his cheek, causing boombox to flush. he was arguably very easy to fluster, especially with skates unwarranted affection.

"hey, help me chillax a bit, wont'cha?" skate purred, his voice dripping with something boombox couldnt make out just yet

"sure, what's it?"

skate pulled himself onto boombox, sitting on his lap, chest to chest with him now. he felt his hands up booms body, up to his face, gently holding his cheeks that were thoroughly blushed and warm, placing a few soft kisses on his lips.

eagerly kissing him harder, barely wanting to part from him. his body was hugged against boombox, deep warmth between the two demons. he pushed his tongue into his mouth, cocking his head slightly and pulling booms face up to his. a soft whine uttered from him, his arms now wrapping around skateboard.

pulling back to breathe for a minute, heavily exhaling and needy hands nearly clawing at eachother. skate pushed his head up further, moving down to kiss along his neck, earning soft mumbles of bliss from the other.

he started to drag one of his hands down, trying to crawl up his shirt  

and much to skates displeasure, a knock on the door jumpscared them, who they already knew was slingshot cause he didnt have a key. skateboard groaned, unwillingly climbing off of his demon pillow to let in their temporary roommate, leaving him a confused hot mess.

"dude, you have ALWAYS gotta come back at the worst time, sling.." he scoffed

"uh, not my fault? do less secretive stuff?" he giggled, audibly confused though. he left to go relax in the bedroom, but skateboard already lost it and just flopped back on the couch to watch tv, normally this time.

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