Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralysed by it.

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STELLA WAS NEVER truly the same after that night, she didn't see the world the way she once did. A world that was full of hope and opportunity now felt restricted by fear and confinement. Stella felt as though her friends had moved on and she was almost a broken record,  replaying that night over and over in her head, wondering what would've happened it the outcome had been different, could she have saved him?

Stella wasn't planning on confiding in Dalton, she didn't want to be a burden. He'd noticed her odd behaviour of course, all three of them did. How she'd jump when a door opened, sudden movements made her flinch and her eye-bags were more noticeable than ever. It wasn't until the nightmare that Dalton would truly understand what his girlfriend was going through.

She lay in his arms that night, the same as she always did, there was nothing different about the night, a cool breeze floated through the dorms and calm was appreciated. Just as she'd drifted off to sleep it began, the re-run of events, she felt helpless as she stood on the sidelines, screaming his name in desperation, trying to save him yet she was frozen still. There was nothing she could do.

She thrashed about in her sleep, muttering his name in panic yet loud enough to wake the boy in a panic. "Stella? Stell hey wake up, what's going on?" He shook her in his arms as she began to wake up, clinging to his arms as she sobbed into his chest. He didn't say anything, he didn't need too. He'd figured it out by now and sat still with her, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead.

"I'm okay now Stell, you're okay with me. We're okay." He whispered, he needed her to know he'd protect her and that he wasn't going anywhere, they had to protect each other.

Slowly the couple began to fall asleep in each other's arms, Stella feeling at peace now knowing he was with her.

"I love you Stella." He whispered

"I love you too..."

Hey guys, short chapter I'm sorry but this is official the end of Look For The Light, thank you so much for reading!

Stay safe

Watch the roads

Until next time! Thanks!

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