Hannah finally gets what she wants

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Percy's POV

I was so bored of my duties. And of course,my dam ADHD is acting up so it feels like forever. I decided to go and pay our little prisoner a visit. I grabbed the knife that Luke gave her, I had retrieved it from tarturas and was going to use that to my full advantage. After I was done getting ready I went to check on Hannah before going down to the basement. As I go in I see her sitting on her bed with scissors in her hands about to cut her long beautiful hair. "Hey there, what you doing?" I asked she must have not noticed me because she jumped when I said that. I noticed she was struggling to cut it so I walked over to her.

"Here, let me help." I offered. She breathed a sigh of relief and nodded accepting my help.
"So, why do you want to cut it? You don't have to answer but I kinda wanna know if you do." I said gently. Hannah was like a sister to me.
"Hair holds memories, Percy. You of all people ought to know that." She said stiffly.

She was right. I did know.
Just recently after I had gotten settled into my new place I had shaved all of my hair off for the same reason. It was too painful to remember what had happened and it was just a way for me to cope. As my eyes were drifting around her room they landed on her axe. This was her preferred weapon of choice because at camp not many Athena kids used axes so it was kind of a way to get back at her ex mother.

" You know, I've been thinking Percy. What if you vapor travel to Olympus and talk with Hestia and Hestia only. See if she wants to change her mind about the olympians before we attack. Because if there was ONE god who doesn't deserve this it would be Hestia." I thought about this suggestion.
"I will after I go down and see how Annabeth is coping. I can't wait to see the pain and confliction in her eyes." I said. "See ya later Han"

Soon I made it down to the dungeon and started to navigate the twisted tunnels and cells. Pretty soon I made it to the one I was looking for. As soon as Annabeth saw me she froze up.

"P-Percy? Is that really you?" She stuttered. I could tell she was trying hard not to break down.
"No. I'm Steve. Yes Annabeth I'm Percy! Who else in chaos would I be?!!!" I said. My voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I see you've settled in nicely." I said trying to annoy her. "But that, of course, is not why I'm he-"
"Why did you do this Percy?" What happened to you, when did you turn so dark?" Annabeth interrupts me.

"This darkness was always here Annie, you were just to dumb to notice. And that also happens to be one of reasons I am like this. You wanna know the other reasons Annabeth Chase?" Annabeth flinched at the use of her full name.
"Well I'll tell you anyway. It is YOU Annabeth! No matter how much you try to hide it, you will always be the reason I turned out like this." I yelled at her.

"In fact, I should thank you. Without you I would have never discovered my true self." You could see by her face that she was horrified. Horrified she had created this monster of a man. Horrified of what I had become. In some ways, it was highly satisfying.

"N-no i d-didn't! Y-your lying!" She screamed in my face. But you could tell she was trying to convince herself more than me.
"Ah Annabeth. You should have learned this by now. I HATE BEING CALLED A LIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed right back. I was dimly aware of my anger emitting from me. I only really realized it after Annabeth cowered for her life. I was able to compose myself and control my anger to some consent.
A few minutes later...
"P-Plea-Please n-no!!!" Annabeth pleaded as I picked up a flamethrower.
"Oh my dear Annabeth. I'm afraid we're just getting started!" I yelled as I started it up on Annabeth. She yelled and screamed bloody murder, thankfully the cells were sound proof or else I was pretty sure they would be able to hear her all the way in China. I then grabbed the nails and hammer as Annabeth caught her breath from screaming. Her eyes widened as she noticed what I was carrying. I walked slowly towards her so the  fear would almost be enough to kill her by itself. I'm a genius, I know. The bad thing was, the suspense was almost killing me as well so I just did it already. Her screams pierced the air as a nailed her feet and hands to the wall behind her. Her screams and pleas for mercy were only making me continue her torture. She had kept my true self locked away all these years, I was simply getting payback.

I could see the guilt in her eyes, but there was also something else. A smug sense of pride that surely came from the fact that she did not love me and was entertained by the fact that I had thought she did love me.
And now I was just starting to get better when they had to come and ruin it for me.

"You wanna know something daughter of Athena?" I slowly came closer and tilted her chin so that she had to look at me. "You deserve this Annabeth. You deserve any pain that I inflict upon you. Your life is MEANINGLESS!!!!!" I shouted. I could smell her fear. No literally. I think she might have wetted herself. It stank.

Hannah's POV

After I had cut my hair I decided to go check up on Charlotte. I had to continue with her torture. Because 'Pain helps the body learn' or so they say. I started to walk down to her private cell when I heard screams coming from the other side of the dungeon, where Annabeth was being kept. Oh the screams were music to my ears.

I finally reached Charlottes cell when I decided to play with her mind a little bit. Toy with her weaknesses, her emotional strength level was very low. I am sure I will be able to get her to crack in half. I opened Charlottes cell and peeked in, she was sound asleep on the floor. I quietly sneaked in and sat down beside her, stroking her hair. Suddenly I felt her breathing pattern change, I knew she was awake.

"Miss me? I was hoping that I could talk to you about something. Did you know a girl that was just like me, except she was weak!? She went to your precious little camp." I asked, my plan starting to unfold.

She just stared at me for a second. I could tell that she was confused by what was happening.
"Well?!" I pushed.
"No, why are you asking?" She replies. I pretend to scowl.
"Of course you don't! No one ever does do they?! Well I remember you and that's all that matters at the moment." I put my arm around her again and try to kiss her on the forehead but she pushes me away.

"What do you even want from me! I never did anything to you and now suddenly I am here getting pain inflicted on me?!! What did I ever do?!!" She yelled.

"Oh I think you know what I want darling." I said drawing suspense.
"Oh, and what exactly is that?"

"I just simply want you for my own. That's right darling, you're mine now!" I said cheerfully.

I could see her pail visibly. I stand up and pull her up with me. She stands and starts to speak.
"What are you-" I cut her off my crashing my lips onto hers. We share a deep and passionate kiss. My tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. She starts to shriek and cry and beg me to stop but the kiss continues. I bite her lips as my mouth starts to go downward ever so slightly. Leaving hickeys all around her neck, marking her as my property. No one else was aloud to have her.

I end the kiss and pull her into a hug. She tries to escape from my clutches but I hold on to her tight.
"You are never ever going to get away from me Charlotte. I own you now." I chuckled darkly. Her eyes widened with every word that I said. "You are my personal plaything."

"I am not some kind of furniture! I am a human being too you know!" She yells.
"Oh my sweetheart. You had better stop yelling at me if you don't want to be taught a lesson." I smiled smugly as I glanced over to the torture devices on the wall. She seemed to get the gist. I reach up to her neck and look at her with desire and love in my eyes. I then proceed to inject a substance that made her unconscious into her neck.
"Nighty night, don't let the monsters bite!" I say before she falls.

The morning will be very interesting.

A/N: so sorry it took me so long to update this. I have my exams coming up and had writers block for a while. I also felt no motivation to continue but I did. Also I was thinking about making an avengers and pjo crossover. Let me know if you want me to make that or if you like the story. I probably won't be able to update anytime soon because like a said I have exams coming up and we are going to spend thanksgiving with my grandparents. Please comment what you think about the story!
Have a wonderful day!

(Word count: 1679

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