A Story Under A Sky Where Gold Falls. . . The Fabled Compass: Back Home

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Part one

Vibbon entered the tavern just before the crack of dawn. He lowered down all of the chairs, twisted all of the knobs on the Kegs, wiped down the utensils, cleaning whatever messes he came across, then finally unlocked the main doors to his large, center-built tavern named "Vibbon's Brews" built right in the middle of Ninble.

From down the stone path that led up to the open doors, Garrick marched in her garrison's uniform. Her tall, strong physique complimented the round plating, which rattled with every step. As she marched, she waved to the locals of Ninble. The young boy, Joss, who often swung around a stick, pretending it was Garrick's powerful crystal hammer. He stopped and knelt when Garrick passed by, and she returned the gesture to the young boy's glee. She then passed by the elder couple everyone called the Croughs who had been sitting at their favorite bench, enjoying sandwiches.

"Good morning, Garrick." Greeted Sir Crough.

"Yes. Very good morning, Garrick," followed Lady Crough.

Garrick waved her open fingers past her chin as he bowed.

"Good morning, Croughs. How are we this fine morning?"

"The air is thinner today." Answered Lady Crough.

"Too thin. Too thin indeed." Added Sir Crough.

"Is that so?" Garrick took in a deep breath. "I think you may just be right. Well, I suppose I will just have to get right on that."

"We need new trees." Requested Sir Crough.

"These trees are bad. They make thin air." Attested Lady Crough.

"I suppose that means you volunteer to replace them?" Jested Garrick.

"Who? Us? You must be joking, Garrick." Hoped Lady Crough.

"We're not strong like you. No Garrison or mighty hammer in our employ." Reminded Sir Crough.

"That's quite right. Quite right indeed. I'll need to get my best men to replace these trees." Garrick always had fun talking with the Croughs. Though she never knew if they were joking or serious.

"Off to see your brother, Garrick?" Inquired Sir Crough.

"Good looking, that Vibbon. Just like his younger sister." Blushed Lady Crough.

"Of course I am. Can't start a day without his brew in my belly." Garrick waved them farewell and continued on her way.

Walking inside of the tavern, Garrick took in the smells of fresh coffee and cream. She sat at the bar and knocked three times rhythmically. A loud silence echoed before a tall stool was placed at the other side of the bar. Vibbon climbed up to the top and stood on the round seat.

There was no mistaking their shared heritage; both grew magnificent eyebrows. However Vibbon had a gray beard that grew long, covering his mouth, save for his bottom lip. The hair on his head was long; reaching his shoulders. He wore round tinted glasses over his eyes he never removed, the only skin anyone saw on him being a nose, cheekbones, and some forehead.

Garrick was different in that she had only hair on her brows. She shaved her head, where she often wore a bandanna that branded the symbol of Ninble, a symbol resembling a face with a large smile. There was another difference between the two. Vibbon was more charming, at least that's what Garrick let her knee-high older brother believe.

Garrick tapped her boots as Vibbon brought her over a light coffee. All the cream and sugar were already mixed in just the way Garrick liked it.

"I can add my own sugar and cream." Garrick took a sip, taking a second look at the cup when the flavor tasted even more potent. "Did you add something new to it?"

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