Chapter 7

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It is about an hour before I am supposed to be standing in the alter, and here I am standing in front of Nandini's door becasue navya, Cabir's wife, won't let me in to see my Wife, some bad luck think but I am bad luck so fuck that.

"Navya get out of my way" I mumble for the 10th time

"You can't see her yet Manik, it's not nice"

"Navya you know I need to see her"

"You sound desperate, falling in love already?' She teases making me frown but was I?

"Cabir" I scream

"Quit screaming, you are scaring me" he chuckles walking to navya kissing her head

"Tell her to let me see my wife" i groan

he smirks, gosh him and navya have been on my back for the whole week asking me about Nandini and how I am apparently smiling a lot more and being all lovey dovey with her which I am not.

"Let him see her" cabir says

"Its bad luck" she whines to cabir

"Do I need to remind you that you and this idiot had sex like half an hour before getting married" I ask making her red bright red

Yeah so I walked into their room to grab cabir but I was greeted with a messy room and noises coming from the bathroom, I literally had to scream at them both

hearing me navya moves aside and I walk inside.

I was greeted with a white floral veil on the floor as I step closer, there she was standing in front of the mirror looking at herself, I don't think she realized I was standing right there admiring her. Yes I was and I am not afraid to say it.

She is wearing this beautiful white creamish floral dress that has off shoulder straps, a beautiful neckline. Our beautiful dimond engagement ring shining in her hands, a couple shiny charm bracelets that had caught my eye in the store when we bought our engagement rings.

Her hair in a bun, a few curled pieces fall down the sides of her face framing it beautifully, her skin glowing perfectly, exactly how it has been ever since her and I have been getting a lot closer

"Hey wifey" I whisper leaning on the wall

Her head snaps towards me, her eyes lay all over my body, almost picking and taking in all the small details of my suit. I smile when her eyes reach mine and she smiles back softly walking to me.

"I was really anxious" she whispers hugging me

"Why? Change of heart?" I ask kissing her forehead

"No, I just didn't see you all day and last night you were out for work really late so"

Last night I had the four men that hurt her caught and captured so I got really late and by the time I got back she was sleeping on the couch in the living room because she had been waiting for me.

"Im sorry I didn't get home on time"

"I hate not being able to see your face before sleeping again"

"Won't happen again, I was a little busy" I answer

"Can I know what you do?"

"not yet" I whisper

Yeah I haven't told her yet, she is way too sensitive to be knowing about me being a mafia leader and the way I kill people, yeah she doesn't need to know.


"No, it's a dangerous job, I am not getting you involved in anything so quit asking"

"I won't" she whispers

Oh have I mentioned, this girl runs her mouth like no one's business ever since her and navya have became best friends.

"What have I told you about disrespecting me?"

"But I'm not, I just want to know" she mutters cutely tilting her head looking at me


"Manik" she whispers my name so softly

"Yes Nandini"


"I will tell you later tonight, for now focus on us"

"Always" she whispers

"Ready to be mine?" I ask kissing her head

"Wasn't I always yours?"

"Yes you were, you are and you will be" I tell her

"Good" she struts a bit

"Watch you mouth" I utter

she giggles kissing my chin since she was wearing heels

i shake my head at her words before kissing her cheeks making her smile cutely

"You aren't supposed to see me before we get married" she lets me know

"I don't care, I wanted to see you and I did" she shakes her head like a disappointed wife making me chuckle

"Enough get out" navya says coming in

cabir drags me out making me groan a bit but him and I walk down to the alter and I stood by the priest there. I spot my mother fuming as she sat there next to her new boy toy, I find myself smirking at her.

"Quit it, she will burst a vein in her brain" cabir mumbles

"Exactly what I want" I whisper back

"Great way to do it then" we both chuckle which only causes nyonika to freak out more

I usually don't have time but when I do, pissing her off is my favourite thing to do, it brings me a lot of happy hormones like dopamine.

my attention moves from her to the door that had just snapped open, Nandini steps through with navya beside her but they both stop for a second before navya walks to cabir

"Go on" she says confusing both cabir and I

"What do you mean?" He asks

"She wants you to walk her down the aisle because she calls you bhai"

My heart swells up with happiness hearing her, Cabir's eyes water a little before we walks to the back joining Nandini. His tears replaced with a beautiful smile when Nandini mumbles something to him as they walk through finally

"You don't hurt my sister ever or I am throwing you on your head" cairn's warns as he places Nandini's hand in mine

"I won't"

She giggles stepping up standing beside me, she wiggles her fingers a little lacing hers through mine as we hear the priest say a whole bunch of rubbish or whatever

Her eyes were shinning brighter then that highlighter she was wiping off earlier, her smile was wider than I have ever seen it. She is happy and her being happy makes me slightly happy

We exchange our wedding rings, mine being a silver band with a diamond, hers being a thing dainty floral band with diamonds all over the band, matching her engagement ring.

"You may kiss your bride now" the priest says

I lean forward pressing my lips to her forehead, a soft giggles escapes from her mouth as she leans into me, I pull back and kiss the corner of her lips.

"I pronounce you husband and wife" there was a loud cheer from the few guests we have

"On the dance floor you guys" cabir yells on the mike

We walk down the aisle and into the dance room in the venue.

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