Chapter 15

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My heart was somewhere else, my body felt tired, exhausted which never happens but today I felt like crying and I haven't cried since my father passed away.

I sit in the corner of the room, the blood from all their body seeping under and all over me as I sit there tears running down my cheeks as I watch my reflection in one of the mirrors

"I hurt her" I whisper at my reflection

"You didn't" comes both max and Cabir's voice

"I did, she saw the devil I am today, she saw that side"


"You know cabir, she looks at me like I am an angel, she admires me when she thinks im not looking"

"She is okay manik" max mumbles sitting beside me

"She grins at me with anticipation when she wants me to chase her around the house. You know she never looked at me with fear but she might now. She is the only person on this planet that looks at me like I am everything she has ever wanted, she makes me feel loved cabir, a word that never existed for me" I mumble resting my chin on my arm

"Manik you have to understand that she saw something that scared her but that doesn't mean you scared her. she will want you like she did before and she always will"

"I hope so" I whisper

"Don't cry" max says

"Im not" I mumble wiping my tears away

"Go on and shower please" cabir says

I got up and walked to the bathroom showering, as the warm shower hits me all the tears I had been holding just seep down my cheeks.

"Manik hurry, Nandini is awake and asking for you" I hear cabir

I quickly rinse the blood off me and grabbed a new pair of clothes we have in the warehouse. Cabir and max had also showered and we all head home.

every step I took to our room once we were home was heavy and overwhelming. I didn't want to see that fear in her eyes for me, it would crush me if she was scared of me

I take a huge breath be fire stepping the room to find nandini sitting up, her back to the backrest, her eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks

"Stop crying nandini, everything is okay" navya mumbles to her caressing her hair

"Manik" she mumbles

Her voice breaks my heart, I never wanted her to see me like that nor did I want her involved in this but see thats exactly what I did

"He will be here, please stop crying" navya kissed her head

"Manik" she whispers again

"He is here" cabir says and instantly her eyes snap open

As soon as her eyes meet mine she bursts out crying as she runs into my arms banging against mine chest. I couldn't help tear up as well seeing her crying so loud in my chest

everyone exits the room and I stand there holding her trying not to cry

"Im sorry" I whisper

"I thought I lost you" she cries

"Shh I told you I would never let you go"

she nods in my chest sobbing.

I pick her up carrying her to the balcony, I know she loves the cold wind. I sit in the hammock with her in my arms, she curls into my chest holding my t shirt

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