Chapter 16

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The clouds were starting to form and the sun was starting hide in between the clouds which was beautiful, it reminds me of my wife. A smile forms on my lips thinking about nandini but my heart was wounded and to the point where I didn't know how to fix it.

It's been 3 months since that incident at our house and since nandini told me she loves me. Every single day I have been slowly pulling away from her, I haven't kissed her in 2 months, I haven't held her since a month, I haven't talked to her since the past 20 days and I haven't looked at her since 3 days.

I can't look at her and not feel disappointed in myself, I can't look at her and not want to kill myself, I can't look at her not want to love her.

My phone rings displaying the cutest picture of her playing with cabir, it was around 6 in the evening so I knew she was getting scared because of the clouds

I pick up her phone putting it to my ear, her breath making me clutch the arm rest of the chair I was sitting in

"Mani I miss you, will you please come home soon?" Her timid but sweet voice comes from the other side

I hum not saying anything

"Okay, drive safe" she says waiting for me to say something but I don't

"Bye manik' she mumbles before the line goes dead

I grabbed my laptop and my phone getting in the car driving home. So we have shifted to a penthouse that is very private and there is security that is so secure so I don't feel scared leaving her at home

As I step in the house, I smell cookies, she knows I like them. A part of me wondered if she made it for me even though I am not worthy of it

I walk up to our room but it was empty so I walk to the other guest rooms and the kitchen but literally it was all empty. My heart starts to pick up not knowing where she was, I walk to the rooms downstairs but she wasn't there either, I was about to go into my office to call max to see if he know when I notice the library door slightly cracked open

I step inside and my little baby was sitting on the floor, a book to her chest. She had fallen a sleep on the floor making me smile a little.

I caress her hair gently making her jump up. Her eyes meet mine and she smile sadly at me.

"Can you please talk to me? Please" she begs

"Begging doesn't look good on you" I whisper

"I missed your voice" she blurts out holding my hand as she gets up

"Whats going on? Why are you here?" I ask

"Manik did I do something wrong? Like did I not satisfy you? Am I bad?" She whispers sadly pushing her hair away

"No, what makes you say that?" I ask

"You have been pulling away so much" she tells me

"I have" I tell her

"Please! I promise to be a better wife but you pulling away like this makes me feel like I fucked up"

"You didn't fuck up butterfly, I just needed time to understand what to do" I whisper

"Okay" she says walking out of the library

"I made food, mhm I hope you will eat" she tells me

I hadn't eaten the last 2 days at home but she had been cooking for me.

I sit down and eat, she was doing something while I went to shower

"Is my love not enough?' She asks seeing me come out from the bathroom

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