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Raven grimaced as Wednesday plunged the shovel into the aged dirt. "Is it really necessary that I'm here?" She sighed out, keeping her hands in her jacket pocket as she watched the gothic girl fall deeper into the ground that sat in front of Garret Gate's grave.

"Consider it a first date." Wednesday responded flatly, grunting slightly as she flicked some earth over her shoulder.

"With your mother?" Raven added, glancing over to the woman who hovered a distance away, admiring her nails. Wednesday rolled her eyes silently, stabbing the shovel back into the ground.

A dreamy sigh slipped from Morticia's lips as she watched her daughter, "this reminds me of when you got your first grave digging kit." She announced happily. "You were so happy, you nearly smiled."

The plait haired girl halted in her motion and she straightened up, looking over to her mother. "Are you sure you don't want to join?"

Morticia hesitated and glanced down to her freshly painted nails, "uh...mm...no, that's okay, darling." She stammered out. "I don't want to spoil your fun."

A scoff left the gothic girl and she grunted, getting back to work as Raven stepped side to side, avoiding the flecks of dirt that flew her way. Wednesday pierced her shovel back down into the dirt below, but this time a hollow thud sounded out as she connected to something solid. Her hand pushed the shovel against the muddy wall she created and she crouched down, swiping at the solid surface below her with a hand.

A golden plate began to show through the blanket of dirt and she scrubbed the dirt away with her fingers, revealing the name plate of Garret's coffin. "Moment of truth." She sighed out.

Her pale fingers tucked under the small gap between the lid and the base and she tugged it up, opening the coffin. Raven's head quickly swerved to the side before she could see anything. She heard Wednesday inhale deeply and fondly, taking in the sweet aroma of death and decay while the redhead gagged at just the mere thought of it.

The monochrome girl stared down at the since sunken corpse of Garret, "hello, Garrett." She greeted quietly.

"Don't talk to the dead person!" Raven hissed out, still looking the other way. Morticia sent a soft smile to the back of her head.

"I was right." Wednesday announced as her eyes roamed across the corpse.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A voice called out, making all three girls snap their heads to face the female officer that approached them, shining her flashlight towards them all. "Guess there's gonna be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight."

Morticia raised her hands up into the air seductively, turning her body to the right slightly to get her best angle. Wednesday raised her mud covered arms up calmly, snapping her palms open quickly. Raven just kind of stood there awkwardly.


Wednesday's eyes glared harshly at the metal of the gate as it shut in front of her with a clang. Raven sat on the floor, her back against the bars as she sighed deeply, "my mum is going to be so pissed." She groaned out.

Morticia and Gomez made out through the bars that kept them away from each other, their arms slipping through the gaps to hold onto each other desperately.

"Not even the long arm of the law could keep us apart." Gomez sighed out dreamily as he brought his wife in for another passionate kiss. Raven awkwardly turned away.

"At least we'll have one last night together." Morticia responded breathlessly.

"I've seen jackals with more self control than you two." Wednesday spoke up in annoyance, finally turning away from the gate to sit next to Raven. "Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to."

"I knew our little jailbird would have an escape plan." Gomez announced proudly.

Wednesday tugged a cloth out of her pocket, unravelling it to reveal the severed finger of Garett Gates. Raven held her breath, quickly looking away as she closed her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the awful image.

"It's a souvenir from our outing. I borrowed it from Garrett." Wednesday spoke up casually, holding the finger towards her parents who stared at it as if they dealt with this kind of thing everyday. Which they probably did, thinking about it.

Morticia took the finger into her own grip, staring down at it remarkably.

"He died from nightshade poisoning." Wednesday told them all. "The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it."

"Which means Garret was dying —"

"Before you stabbed him." Wednesday finished for her mother with a nod. Morticia turned to her husband with a gasp, relief flooding her insides as she connected her eyes with his.

"You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman." Gomez sighed out lovingly, bringing her in for another passionate kiss, Morticia still gripping onto the severed finger.

Wednesday fought back the urge to roll her eyes. "For once, could you two get off of each other and focus." She stepped forward with a sigh and took the finger out of her mother's grip.

As soon as her skin came into contact with it, her head snapped back and her cold eyes widened. Spotting the signs instantly, Raven pushed herself up away from the stone floor to grab onto the girl before she smacked into the ground.

The redhead did what she always did when the girl fell into one of her visions, she laid the goth across her lap as she removed the stray wisps of hair away from her eyes.

Morticia and Gomez gave each other knowing looks, smiling happily as they watched the way Raven caressed their daughter. Friends definitely didn't look at each other that way.

A few seconds passed and Wednesday's onyx eyes snapped open, the girl taking in a deep breath. "Are you okay?" Raven whispered softly, aiding the girl up to her feet as Wednesday allowed her exposed skin to linger against the redhead's for a moment, enjoying the feeling.

The witch quickly smoothed down the hair that managed to get ruffled up on Wednesday's head and she took a step back, allowing the girl some space in which the goth secretly hated.

"Did you have a vision?" Morticia asked her daughter softly, "what happened? What did you see?"

"The night Garrett died." Wednesday spoke up, a little shaken. "He had a vial of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to murder the entire school."


A/N: tysm for the votes

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆                                                        Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now