Chapter Three

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Ranie POV

The bell rang signaling that the lesson has ended I stood up from my chair and started walking to my locker to get my books for the next class
While I was walking I felt someone following me but when I turned around there was nothing
I must be imaginig things.
I got my books from the locker and walked back to my geography class I hated geography very much ,why did they even invent such a subject??!
I was shocked when I entered the class and saw the mysterious boy again.
He was sitting at the end of the class and smirking at me I tried to look for any chair to sit on away from him but The only chair that was empty was the chair next to him I had no other choice.
"Hey",I said. "Is there anyone sitting here?"
"No" was the only thing he said he still had that stupid smirk on his face. "C'mon sit I won't eat you" he said
"I may just bite you" he whispered. I was panicking on the inside but I didn't show anything I was the kind of person who didn't like looking scared infront of anyone.
I sat next to him and stared at the class I was too afraid to look at him I noticed that Jacen was sitting at the front of the class he looked at me with shock and fear then looked at the boy next to me and when he met his eyes he immediately looked away I could tell that he was scared just like me but I wasn't going to show it.
"So,what's your name?" The mysterious boy asked. I didn't reply at first because I was too scared to even look in his eyes I gathered my courage and looked at him.
For a moment I was speechless I just stared into his blue eyes I felt like the words were gone from my mouth seriously what was happening to me. "Ranie",I replied.
"nice name you got,I'm Niall",he said. Then the teacher walked in cutting us both from our little but hard conversation.
I hated geography so I didn't really pay attention to what the teacher was saying instead I was thinking about that Niall guy that was sitting next to me I felt a weird yet nice feeling when I was around him. Finally the bell rang releasing me from the hell I was in I gathered my books and walked out of the class without even bothering to say goodbye to Niall. It was lunch time now so I went to the locker to put my books then I headed to the cafeteria I went to sit at a table alone when suddenly a girl showed up and sat infront of me she looked nice she had blonde hair and was wearing a pink tank top and a black skirt "Hi! Can I sit with you?" she said.
"Yeah sure" I replied.
"My name is Perrie ,what's your name? She asked .
"Ranie" I replied for the second time this day.
"Are you new?" Perrie  asked.
"Yes,I moved into london last week" I said.
"Would you like someone to show you around?"she said.
"Yeah sure"
"okay let's go now"
"But aren't we supposed to eat right now?"
"who cares about what we're supposed to do let's go" she took my hand and we headed out.
First Perrie showed me the library then we were heading to the basketball court when three boys appeared out of nowhere.
I felt that weird feeling again and when I looked up I wasn't surprised to see Niall.
"Hi love!" One of them said to perrie.
"Hi zayn" perrie replied and hugged that one .
I was surprised at first but Then I assumed they were dating.
"Who's your friend?" The other boy who had a brown mob of hair asked.
"Her name is Ranie she's new here and I was showing her around"Perrie replied.
"Ranie this is Harry,Zayn and Niall the trouble makers of the school"she laughed.
"We're not that bad you know"Zayn said.
"We are" Niall replied for the first time
"and you better watch out" he smirked I didn't understand that smirking habit of him. It was pissing me off.
"So you are new here right?" The boy who I assume his name was harry asked me.
"Yeah, it's  my first day" I replied , right now i really wanna run away from them that feeling I felt when I am around The mysterious boy who is called Niall is weird but it's a good feeling like I am safe and warm while actually I think I was going to get killed soon by one of them.
" Are you vampires,guys ?"I asked I have the right to know right ?
" Yeah , we are " zayn replied
" Perrie , are you one of them ?" I looked At Perrrie hoping she would say no and finally luck was on my side once
"No" she said , I judged so quickly
"I'm zayn's blood mate" she completed and I was totally confused
"Can anyone of you explain to me what is this "blood mate thing??"
Niall looked at me amused like he is actually happy about me being clueless then he answered " Every vampire has a blood mate , a blood mate is your mate that you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with and once the vampire found his mate he can't drink other blood but her blood, you don't get to choose your mate but when you find them you love them no matter who they are , it's the mating bond , but you don't have the right to choose your mates " then he looked to me with that stupid smirk on his face And then i was stupid enough to Ask
"How do you know who is your mate , blood mate ?"
And then Niall surprised me by taking my hands in his and entwining our fingers , and the same wave of electricity flowed again through my body , It was a good kind of electricity actually but I didn't know what was happening to me.
"Vampires know their mates with just a look , humans know them when they get electricity waves when their mate touch them " he replied with a smirk on his face.
OHhhhh, Noway in hell !
That's impossible, it can't happen ,
I immediately pulled my hands out from his hands and backed away,I was too afraid to be near him right now , I started walking backwards and I was just about to fall but in a flash Niall was beside me and he carried me bridal style and started walking so fast ,I tried to ignore the fact of that feeling of the heavy wave of electricity that he made me feel again !
I hate you Niall !
Then Niall put me down , I looked around and found that we are on the roof of the school.
"What do you want Niall ? , leave me alone" I told Niall.
"Calm down love, you are my mate so you are mine now " instead of the smirk he was grinning like a little kid who has just got a new bike
I have to admit that his smile is amazing , it's kind of heart warming
Ranieee focus he wants to drink your blood !
Then suddenaly he took a step forward towards me.
I panicked and started backing away, unfortunately he was still coming close to me until I was pressed against the wall and he was inches away from me, he removed my hair which was covering me neck then he touched my neck , I was trying so hard to push him away but I just couldn't , I tried reading his mind , but it didn't work.
"Relax Ranie , I am not gonna hurt you" he said softly looking in my eyes
"Really so am I just imagining that you got me pressed against a wall and you are so close and I think you're about to drink my blood ?" I yelled at him , I was trying to do anything to stop him from drinking my blood but it didn't affect him.
"Who told you i was going to drink your blood?" He asked and he sounded amused of the situation.
"What else would you want from me  ?" I snapped.
"Sweetheart, I told you ,you belong to me now,you are mine and I wanna make sure you and the others realize this " he answered then he leaned closer to my neck until I could feel his breathing on it , "what do you mean?"I dared to ask , I was really afraid
I tried to push him but he didn't move then I felt sharp teeth penetrating my skin , I screamed then I lost my balance and blacked out.

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