Face to Face

835 31 18

Xiao: let us return now

M.carver: ....eager to leave, conqueror of demons?

Ping: hehehe...

M.shaper: hmm, one understands what the conqueror of demons means. the city of liyue has changed much after our long separation. yet... unspeakable worry is bothering... *sighs* there is no need to worried about a future that yet to happen. away we shall, and return whence we came...

the mountain shaper spread his wings as he then fly away, back to his domain.

M.carver: hmph... since we adepti have consensus, then one shall persist no further. but how will we ensure that the liyue qixing will not simply exploit their power once we depart? in my view, that is still a thing to be guarded against... *glance*

Ningguang: *chuckles*

Ping: alright, moon carver. you needn't worry. It seems to me that this right of supervision is best left to the people of liyue..

and with that, almost all the adepti returned to their respective domains except the cloud retainer, madame ping, aether, paimon and ningguang. plus wenti:^

Paimon: welp! i guess that's enough for all of this? *chuckle*

Aether: don't forget about childe...

Paimon: of course, of course! childe wanted to unleash the god so he could lure rex lapis out! but we were able to handle the overlord of the vortex on our own... so rex lapis never showed up! *smile*

Aether: well... guess we need to find zhongli first.

aether and paimon parted ways, and went to Wangsheng's funeral parlor.

Ningguang: that's it. now everything is back to-

C.retainer: tell me the truth. where did you get that?

while wearing a stoic expression ningguang then took out the gnosis, showing it to the cloud retainer.

Ningguang: this? hahaha... a gift from someone *smirk*

C.retainer: a gift? do you know what you're holding!?

Ping: c-cloud retainer... calm down!

C.retainer: how could i-

???: what's that commotion i hear?

a blue-haired boy descended from the sky, showing off his majestic dragon wings.

upon seeing that person, wenti quickly walked over to the boy and knelt down.

Wenti: welcome back, rimuru-sama!

Rimuru: wenti, i believe you have done your duty, hm?

Wenti: as you commanded, not a single scratch!

seeing him back, ningguang quickly approached him and hugged rimuru's left arm.

Ningguang: welcome back, dear *smile*


did she just say dear...?

ningguang... and rimuru...?

that's what was in the cloud retainer's head.

C.retainer: what do you mean by dear?

Ningguang: *grin* ara~ whatever you want *laughs*

immediately, the cloud retainer changed into her human form.

Ningguang: huh!?

C.retainer: heh! *looks at rimuru* what's that supposed to mean? love between gods and humans is forbidden, isn't it?

Rimuru: e-ehhh? well... *smiles wryly*

Ningguang: to think i could see the human form of a cloud retainer... how mesmerizing. but how sad... if you're thinking of wooing my dear, *shakes head* try again next time~

with a grin Ningguang tightened her hug, teasing the cloud retainer.

Rimuru: this is bad... i don't know how asmodeus could pull up something like this. did you by chance give that ultimate skill an awareness, ciel?

Ciel: uhhh, no? unlike raphael, asmodeus is just your regular, everyday normal motherfu-i mean ultimate skill.

Rimuru: ughhh... so you're saying that every time i use asmodeus to take over my consciousness, it's just me but tempered with lust?

Ciel: ...that is correct.

Rimuru: ....

C.retainer: seduce him!? a-a-are you out of your mind?! i'm an adeptus! one's care less about love! *frowns*

while ningguang and the cloud retainer were arguing, rimuru slowly broke free from ningguang's embrace and walked towards madame ping.

Ping: hohoho... full of love, huh? young people these days *laughs*

Rimuru: hehe, i'm just following the waves *smiles wryly*

Ping: *stares at rimuru* to think that i'm finally talking to the chaos god in person...

Rimuru: ohoo... you're the first person to call me that *laughs*

Ping: is that so? a demon god is just a title given by humans... and they even don't know the truth behind it-

Rimuru: haha... using someone's body to talk to me? you sneaky little bastard *laughs*

ping's expression suddenly turned into a frown as her eyes glowed green.

Ping?: supreme one... why are you doing all this? causing chaos here and there. releasing the void and making new rules... all that, just for one soul?

the two of them suddenly teleported into a vast, empty void.

Rimuru: you see this? this is soon to be forsaken paradise... a world where there is no death, no pain, and no denial. a place where sinners die and liars are punished. an utopia for my people...

Ping?: you're only fooling yourself. there is no such perfect world. no one can escape reality... why you bothe-

???: report. detecting fourth promise on individual ping-correction... istaroth, thousand winds.

ohh, nyoo...

anyway. enjoy🍫

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