Chapter 15

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Athy's P. O. V..

That black car won the bet... The crowd become a ruckus  as the guys started  fighting again.. They all stopped when that black car  guy deafed our ears by his horn sound...

They all went silent as kiel first came out of the car and scolded them... This is boring.. I want to leave.. But if I leave now.. Jenny will be alone.. Where the hell is her useless friends..? I looked around and they are drinking and hooking up with guys...

I turned to that car as he finally decided to get down..

Bathump.. Bathump... Bathump...

The sound of my heart beating echoed in my ears and my vision got  blurry from the  pooled up tears ...I froze in the place.. My heart struggling  with all these  overwhelming emotions..

Those red eyes and black hair... That face... It's lucas..!!!

"hey... Athy..? Are you OK..?!" helly asked.. I rushed to the nearby restroom and locked myself inside one of them

Hic... Hic... I am crying nonstop.  Can't I get a good breathe if I cry and scream my heart out...?

What's going on..?!!

Lucas is here..?!!! He is alive and in front of me..!!! Standing in person..yet...why I feel like this..?!! Why I feel weird..?!! I never thought it would feel this overwhelming to see him again.. I thought I am over with  feeling guilty about what happened to him.. I am alright.. I made myself believe he must be living somewhere happily.. What is he doing here..?!!

She never told me anything about this..?!!

"hey.. Athy.. What's wrong.?!" helly asked tapping the door from outside ...

I took a few deep breaths and finally came out..

"hey did you cried..?!!" she asked in shock

"it's just that... I suddenly don't feel well helly.." I said and she immediately took me home..

She thinks I am  sick that's why I often faints.. So it's given she will act out swiftly like this. Like driving  me back home at insane speed. She should have participated in the race

" you should rest well athy." she said as she made sure I am feeling better now  ..I have to act better not to worry her further and I sent her back. In next few minutes, Lily rushed inside  with food and fed me forcefully when I refused.

I can't even feel the taste.. I feel so numb and lost... I Sat there.. Staring outside at the moon... I heard my door opening sound to see dad staring at me surprised..he is panting.. He must have rushed back home..

" dad.. Sorry.. I made you worry again ." I said as he sit beside me on the bed.

"are you OK..? What happened..?!" he asked gently caressing my face

"I am.. I don't know dad... I.. Today...

I told dad about how I saw lucas today... And he listened to me silently..

" so... That guy is back huh..?!! I guess that goddess didn't made him disappear after all.. "he said but I stayed silent.

" why are you silent.? "he asked

" for some reason.. I feel like they aren't the same lucas.. " I said..

" huh..what.?!! Why do you think so..?"he asked

" the moment I saw him..i felt different.. The emotion I felt is so intense and heavy.. It's not how I felt about lucas.. I didn't expect to meet him.. I feel guilty about his  disappearance and I do miss him a lot ..i liked him afterall..

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