A nice talk (King and Helbram friendship)

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King is talking to Helbram about his relationship with Diane, Helbram profite of this moment to tease him a little.

TW: 13+, mature content

"So, how is it going with Diane ?" Ask Helbram to his best friend, he know that his best friend had been in a relation with a giant named Diane for now 3 months. He was really happy for him even if he had hard time showing it.

The fact that he died more then once impact a lot his brain and emotion it was hard for him to express them sometime and sometime he would express strong emotion without any reason like sadness or rage.

Harlequin look at the ground while smiling, he was blushing just to think about his beloved. He then turn to his best friend and gave him a rassuring look.

"Everything is perfectly fine." Helbram look at him with a blank face for a moment before having a little smile. "I'm glad." He spoke before looking back at the sunset. Harlequin decide to look at it too.

They both watch in silent for a moment before Helbram though of something.

"Do you two plan to have kids ?" Harlequin look at Helbram, his eyes widen by the sudden question and he become bright red. Helbram notice and he giggle slitly while his best friend is mumbling.

They stay like that for a while before Harlequin spoke again still bright red.

"We haven't though about it yet..." Harlequin was visibly flustred and embarassed by the question but Helbram wanted to know a bit more.
He look at his best friend again before asking something more personal.

"Have you two already had sex ?" Helbram seem to be a little too curious about his best friend relation with his lover. Love was a total newthing for him and that interested him to know a bit more about it.

Meanwhile King was completly red, he didn't knew how to answer his best friend without feeling embarassed or without it being akward. And what if his best friend want the detail ? Just to think about it it male him reder then a tomato.

"Y-y-yeah we did... but it was only some kisses and some touch nothing more theb that !" King said not wanting to look at his best friend while talking about it. His best friend was still curious about the whole thing and continue to ask question.

"Did you feel disgusted after ? Or you didn't mind at all ?" His best friend wanted to know if the experience was good or not and if it was really worth doing such thing if it only make you feel disgusted about ourselves after, he really needed answers.

King hesitate for a moment before answering.

"At first it feel weird, feeling someone else touch on your body in that way and in those area feel strange when it's the first time, bit I guess after a while you don't feel disgusted, but I think it depend the person."

Helbram listen to his best friend very closely not wanting to miss any part of it. He take his best friend hand before pulling him in a hug and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you for answering my questions. I may have other questions I'll ask la-"

"You can ask them now I don't mind." King smile at Helbram while stroking his hair. King knew that when Helbram asked a lot of question more about to understand a feeling he never knew (gonna make a headcanon about it) that mean he had someone in mind that make him have this feeling.

Helbram hesitate for a moment not knowing if his best friend would be able to answer but seeing that his best friend was ready to hear his questions and answer, he asked them anyways.

King answer all his question and look at Helbram with a smile before alos asking him a question.

"So, who's making your heart feel like that ?" Harlequin was exited to knew who his best friend was in love with and maybe even help him ask them out !

"It's an elf...they are very pretty..." Helbram look away blushing a moment. King look at his best friend happily and take his hand with a smirk.

"Do you need help to ask them out ?? What's their name ??" Harlequin was very determined to help Helbram ask out his crush. Helbram was always here for the fairy king and never leave his side. And today it waw King turn to help him.

"Their name is...Zira..." Helbram was blushing heavily and he was pratically zooning out everytime he would talk about this Zira. That make Harlequin happy, he was going to help his best friend without any regret ! But first...he needed to check if this 'Zira' was a good person or not !

"Do you think I could meet her ?" King ask still holding his best friend hands, Helbram nod and look into his best friend amber eyes with hope.

"Will you help...me ?" Harlequin directly nod and hug Helbram tightly.

"It would be an honor." They both smile at eachother a little before Helbram look at the sunset, it was starting to get very dark. Helbram look at Harlequin with a blank face before speaking.

"You should go, you'll meet them tomorrow." Harlequin smile and they both wave at eachother before leaving.

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