Second chapter

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"Is my wife hiding?"
She shuddered at his deep voice.

Her features turned paler as she realized his words and looked at him with fear mixed with shock.
Didn't want to lock eyes with him she glanced down at his neck his Adams apple popping out.

"Was he that terrifying?" He thought to himself.

He put his index finger and thumb under her chin and raised her head quietly to look at her frightened features... Her eyes trembled with fear and her eyebrows furrowed with sadness... She looked into his eyes trying to deny what he just said, but she found nothing but coldness and a face that she could not read.

"We should be having our first dance soon."
That was an order for her to put herself together and come inside.

He walked away from her quietly after they exchanged looks for a few minutes... Then he came out of the balcony and left her alone in the darkness.
She was screwed.

After leaving the balcony, he entered the party hall, looking for his loyal followers. His thoughts took him to the girl who was supposed to be his wife... She seemed so sweet and young to him.

"How old was she? Hopefully not very young." He thought.

A grin loomed over his cold face when he remembered her frightened face.

"A disaster is about to happen... There is nothing behind that smile but misfortunes" That was his friend Davian.

"It's amusing" He replied calmly.

"For somebody who is having an arranged marriage you look calm" Davian was making fun of him.
Ciel slowly eyed him up and down.
"For someone, who did the same, I would shut my mouth."
Davian was laughing now.
"Fair enough" he answered.
Ciel shook his head. Davian never changed. He was his old self.

Davian never seemed bothered. More like carefree.
Well, you never know what he's thinking or feeling.
He could laugh at your face and the next moment order the guard to kill you.

"Davian, Love, I was looking for you" Vivian appeared suddenly in front of them.
"Oh, your majesty" she bowed her head to Ciel slightly "my congratulation."
"Thank you" Ciel answered with a smile.

"Dear you shouldn't be walking around, where are your guards?" Davian held her arm to support her.

"I'm fine and I really want to dance."
Vivian was sick and her sickness could not be cured.

"Anything you wish for" Davian kissed her temple "you should also be dancing with your newly wife" Ciel wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face now.
Davian led Vivian to the dance floor, he walked slowly to match her pace.

He lifted her slightly so she could put her feet on his and they started to dance.

During his dance with Vivian Davian's whole concentration was on Ciel, eyeing provocatively and showing his smug smile, which Ciel respectfully ignored.

On the other side of the hall Allora was drinking her sixth glass of wine feeling devastated and sorrowful.
Even though the hall was so huge, she felt her claustrophobia rising. She looked up to the ceiling to prevent her tears from falling. The burn in her eyes didn't stop.
The endless rows of the beautiful and breathtaking chandeliers distracted her thought flow.
Suddenly the raspy voice of her father reached her ears, and she rolled her eyes.
Her father called her so they could give the groom and the bride, as if she was not his daughter, their congratulations, because he wanted to go back to the north.

Allora didn't have a reason to listen to him anymore, since Lily was not under his control. Despite that, she went with him to say her last goodbye to Lily.

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