Seventh chapter

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Lily was feeling great today, she woke up early, got ready and went to the classes without complaining. She didn't hear from Alinora or see her since she came back from Chanper.
Did Ciel exile her? Lily didn't really care.
She was not the only happy one, Asena was also extremely delighted about Lily's good mood. The five feet two girl would at least have time training for the military test.
She wanted to become a solder to protect people.
Most of the time she was in the training ground in the barrack near the castle working for her dream. Oddly enough today the barrack was extremely full and the atmosphere was weird. Normally there would be just a few soldieries training.
"What is wrong?" she asked one of the trainers curiously.
"Didn't you hear about the war?"
"We are going to war" he said in a firm ton.
"What war? Nobody in the castle talked about it" she was indeed shocked.
"War against the northern kingdom" he responded casually.
Asena gasped putting her hand on her mouth.
Lily, the queen was from the northern kingdom.
She had to deliver the news to Lily right now.

In the meeting hall
"Your majesty, it really isn't a good idea to start a war, we have to worry about our country's domestic politics" one of the ministers said.
"Your majesty, no, I think we need to help our allies so they would help us if we were in need."
"I also agree with that your majesty, since the king himself send the letter to us. That means he really needs your help."
Ciel looked at the clergy "what is your opinion?"
Ciel had already ordered everything to be prepared, that meeting would not change his mind, it was just for the show.
"We think that his majesty will always pick the right choice" Ciel wanted to laugh at them.
These people would do anything for money. Caelum side-eyed them in disgust.

They were still arguing when Lily came in slamming the doors open. The guards behind the furious queen were helplessly trying to stop her. Ciel calmly stood up from his chair.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing" she fumed.
"Everybody out" he shouted, and the hall was empty in less than a minute.
"What were you thinking coming in like this?" his gaze was cold.
"You are waging a war against my country" she hissed tearing up and his eyes softened.
"Lily my love" he came near her attempting to hold her hand to which she took distance.
"Is that right?" she whispered trying to suppress a hiccup. He wanted to hug her so bad, but the hatred in her eyes stopped him from going further. The sight of her sobbing broke him.
"Lily, listen to me ..." he wanted to continue but she interrupted him again "is that right?" his arms fell beside his body as he answered "Yes."
That was all she needed to hear to disappear out of the room.
Ciel pinched the bridge of his nose and called Caelum to come inside.
"Don't let her leave the castle."

Since the start of the great war the relationship between Ciel and Lily got worse.
He was more protective, domineering, and harsher than ever.
He never let her out alone.
She was trapped in his huge room that reminded her more of a birdcage.
Ciel was going to depart in a few days to go to the war against her people.
They have suffered enough from her father and would still be suffering because of other kingdoms.
She knew Ciel didn't let her out because he was afraid, she could get hurt since a lot of ministers and other important nobles didn't agree to him taking part in the war.
Rawon told her it wouldn't be a surprise if they gathered together to plan a coup.
In politics when someone has the same enemy as another one, they became allies. Even if both parties didn't like each other.
This meant after the coup, all those who participated in it would want to rule for themselves since the common enemy would be eliminated.
The people would divide. Some would pick one side, others would pick the other. Thus, this would cause a civil war.

Today she felt really bad, and she thought a walk outside could help her. That was why she went outside to the flower garden and since it is not near the castle it took her quit long to go and come back.
Leaving the castle was her getaway.
The high walls remained her of how incapable she was of protecting her only sister.
Is Allora going to be alright?
The cold breeze hitting her face reminded her of the northern kingdom again. The winters in the north were colder. She was glad that spring was coming soon.

The minute she arrived at the castle and entered the room she found Ciel there sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
Hearing her coming in he raised his head and looked at her, his eyes burning with anger.
"Where the fuck were you?" He looked like he was about to rip her throat.
"I went to the flower garden" she tried to stay calm.
"I told you to not leave the damn castle Lily, it is too dangerous for you to walk around" he sounded genuinely worried, but she had had enough.

"What do you want from me!?" she cried and grabbed him by the collar her hand trembling. "I-I can't find anyone to talk to, I spend my days alone so that I even forgot how to communicate, you even took Asena from me."

Ciel held her face in his hands "I'm sorry my queen, I swear it will get better soon but don't disappear, don't leave me" his voice was desperate.
Lily was speechless, Ciel was afraid she would leave him.
He didn't know that, even if she wanted to, she couldn't. He became so precious to her.

The next day Ciel had to depart to the war camps on the northern border.
He knew he didn't have to go, he could just send the needed support, but letting Davian decide the fate of the northern kingdom wasn't a good idea either. Davian was merciless and Ciel couldn't let that happened.
If he took part in the war, he would have the right to have a say. He didn't want Davian to destroy the whole empire. Davian was unstoppable, he was the worst, Ciel had to admit that.
He regretted agreeing to help, this wasn't going to be easy.

Since Lily knew that he agreed to Davian's request she didn't want to talk to him or see him. This left a bitter taste in his mouth.
His sweet wife was really mad at him.
However, that didn't stop him from sneaking into her room every night, looking at her, and smelling her. Ciel was addicted.

"Where is the queen?" Ciel asked the servant in front of him, who was rubbing her hands together in an attempt to keep them warm.
"Sorry your majesty, my lady is not able to say her goodbyes to his highness personally" Ciel's lips twitched in irritation and the middle-aged lady trembled under his scary demeanour.

Didn't she care about him? Ciel was going to stay for months away, disappointment rose in him, and he turned to the troops behind him, the frosty breeze hitting his face.

"Ciel, are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Kian wanted to know.
His sixteen-year-old brother was all grown up, nearly reaching his height.
"I'm really strong you know right? I even defeated Caelum in a fight" Caelum beside him rolled his eyes.
"Yes of course, because you're training the whole time while I do office work."
"Kian you are needed in the castle more, make sure the ministers and churchmen don't do anything that would hurt Lily."

He left Caelum and Kian stay in the castle since Lily was not able to manage the affairs of the Kingdom on her own. That was the first time he ever left Lily.
"We waited long enough, where is my horse."

In the middle of the damp, densely wooded forests of the north, the king of the southern country was marching with his army.

It took every bone and muscle in Lily to prevent herself from running down the stairs and out of the huge door to jump into Ciel's arms and tell him not to go. Partly she didn't want him to get hurt.
She just looked through the wide window at how they marched.
"My lady" Asena came to the room screaming joyfully.
"Oh god you're here again" Lily went straight to her hugging the petite body tightly. Asena's head hit her shoulder to which she giggled. Lily loved this small kid.
"Yes, the king hired me again to be your guard, although he seemed like he hated me" Asena was talking without thinking as usual.
"He doesn't hate you" Lily said firmly.
"Maybe, by the way, why weren't you there to bid farewell to the king."
"I don't like cold weather."
"Did you say your goodbyes to him yesterday? He looked really disappointed after the maid told him you were not able to come" Lily just looked to the side.
"You know that he is going to stay away for weeks, maybe months."
"He is going to the war against my people" her voice was barely hearable.

Weeks later at the main castle of the northern kingdom

They were going to die. All of them.
War was merciless.
There was no time to escape, the enemy was at the gates of the city.
The troops had already conquered the entire country and only the capital has remained. Allora looked out of the window as the fire engulfed everything.
It was time to go out in a white dress in front of the army to announce their surrender.
The Sanctus kingdom had destroyed enough cities, left many children without a father figure and burned the hearts of many mothers who mourn the loss of their children and husbands.
Children who knew nothing about war were dying. These small creatures that must be protected.
Her useless father killed himself.
His dignity didn't allow him to get killed by the enemy. The other ministers and their families fled the country.
The castle was empty. She was left alone with some servants, who didn't want to leave her side.
Ivan ran away too. She was supposed to feel sad that they abandoned her. But she didn't. Allora was relieved. She wished they would be caught and killed in the worst way possible.
They deserved that after what they had done to the poor folk. Her folk.

She was now in charge of ruling the destroyed country.

Allora would not be selfish like him and cling to the throne. She would walk outside the palace walls and surrender in front of the enemy army.

She was about to offer herself to them on a silver platter. She didn't know what they would do to her, and to be honest, she didn't care anymore. The most important thing was to stop the war.

The consequences the war would have on country were undeniable. She was late to do anything to save these people and to avoid the consequences, she knew that.
Hi guys 😊
Hope you like the story till now.
I would be interested to know who your favorite character is.

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