Chapter 12

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Since Allora came to this kingdom, which was about four weeks ago, she hadn't left her room. Although Nikolai visited her every day and Davian sometimes, she still felt lonely.
She needed someone to talk to.
Everybody in the castle would stare at her in disgust. She was the daughter of the kind of the enemy kingdom. The kingdom that took the lives of their people.
But that was unfair, they also did bad things to them.
That's why she decided to close herself in the room and never come out.
However, Allora sometimes would go on walks at night when everyone was sleeping. She had insomnia she couldn't sleep anyway.

Tonight she was feeling hungry which was not common. Normally, she had to force herself to eat.
It was dark outside and surely everyone was in their room sleeping peacefully. She really envied them.
Allora hated the start of spring, aside front the fact that her mother's death anniversary was coming soon, the weather was still really cold, and her body couldn't provide the warmth she needed. No wonder, since she couldn't eat properly.
It's not like Davian didn't care about her, he did. She was living in a big chamber with a huge balcony that overlooked the city and some parts of the forest nearby. Moreover, the fire in the fireplace never died, the servants would check on her every now and then and put more wood inside it.
At least they were nice to her. Maybe they pitted her.
She shook her head blocking these thoughts and made her way to the kitchen.  
Walking past the halls humming she didn't watch out as she pumped into a middle-aged woman with gold blond hair that was styled in a beautiful way making her look stunning.

The woman looked her up and down.
"Are you going to the kings chamber?"
Allora didn't answer which made the lady close her eyes in anger.
This was Vivian, Davian's wife.
The man who visited her countless times at night to hug and kiss her.
"Bow to your queen" she ordered.
Allora didn't move.
"I'm the queen here, you are nothing but a slave. As soon as he gets bored of you, he'll throw you away like dirt" Vivian hissed.
"Make her bow" she commended the guards walking behind her.
The said men walked towards Allora, a strong feeling of threat and danger rose in her. She felt tingling and chills all over her body that was followed by dizziness.
She was having a panic attack and the guards were now near her trying to hold her arms.
Allora quickly snatched a sword from one of the guard's waist and pointed it directly to her neck.
"don't come near me!" she ordered in a panicked voice.
"Are you insane? What is wrong with you?" Vivian ranted feeling irritated.
"Don't come near me!" Allora was terrified, her hands trembling causing the sword to bruise her neck and some blood to come out.
"Put the fucking sword away!" Vivian was beginning to lose her temper.

The sound of their voice was laud enough to wake some people up, who came to see what was going on.
Vivian didn't expect all that to happen.
"Why are you screaming in the middle of the nig..." Davian stopped midway when he saw the state of Allora.
He quickly stepped towards her, his eyes focused on the sword on her neck.
"Allora, my dear, what is wrong?" he extended his left hand to her, wanting to make her feel safe.
"Don't touch me!" she screamed tears falling down her cheeks. It burned his heart to see her this afraid.
The girl was traumatized, and nobody was helping.
"What the fuck did you do to her" he hissed looking sharply at Vivian.
She shook her head "I did nothing" his jaw clinched.
Ignoring Vivian he turned to Allora again, his gaze softened "Love, could you please give me the sword."
"NO" she shouted cutting the wound deeper.
"Allora please for god's sake give me the sword" he pleaded.
Vivian was looking at him in shock, Davian never acted that way to anybody. Jealousy was eating her up.
"Nobody is going to hurt you I'm here now" he tried not show his stress, while coming near her and holding her hands that were on the sword.
"It is me, let go" still talking softly he took the sword away after she loosened her grip.
Davian quickly wrapped his arms around her torso.
"Good girl, it's fine, you're safe now."
Allora was still trembling.
Davian lifted Allora up and carried her to her room.
Reaching her chamber and putting her on bed, she was not crying anymore and there were no emotions on her face. She was numb again. Every time this happened, he felt how helpless he was.
"Love, look at me" he demanded caressing her face.
"As long as I am alive, nobody can harm you" he wanted her to feel safe.
Allora just buried herself inside the bedsheets while Davian sat on the bed.

She could have died. This wasn't getting out of this head. Davian blamed himself for that.
He was going to make sure no one would ever cause her harm ever again.

Davian was still sitting on the bed when Allora turned to him "your wife is beautiful" she stated which he just ignored.
"Allora, what did they do to you?" Davian asked gently leaning down touching her face with the back of his hand. "Do you love her?" She interrupted him her voice shaking.
"Allora, I don't think that is the right time to ask."
"Davian, do you love her?" She insisted.
Going through his hair Davian seemed irritated.
It took him pretty long until he decided to talk and answer the question.
"Allora, I have never loved someone in my whole pathetic life, but the second I laid my eyes on you, it was undeniable, it was like we were fated. At first, I thought it was just a passing feeling. I started dreaming of you, and I couldn't distract myself.
I thought I was going crazy, Allora. I had nothing in my mind but you. I thought if I finally had you, these strange feelings would vanish but after knowing you better, I couldn't let you go Allora. You are more precious to me than anything.
If loving you means I'm crazy then I'm proud to say I'm out of my mind.
I know I already have a wife but believe me I never chose any of that. I didn't have the right to choose what I wanted.
I am tired of all this mess. It's killing me inside not being able to touch you, to call you mine, to marry you.
It seems like the world is against us being together.
I know I have to let you go but the thought of you with someone else makes me sick. I would rather see myself dead" his voice was filled with sadness, irritation and confusion.
Allora didn't know Davian could be like this. He always seemed so confident and controlled.

Allora got up and stood on her knees, one hand on his cheek the other on his chest to balance herself.
Davian held her waist pulling her towards him as he nuzzled his nose in her neck breathing heavily.
"I want you" Allora whispered closing her eyes tightly and trying to suppress a moan.
Davian stared to lick, suck and kiss on the delicate skin his lips sending shivers down her spine.
"Davian" Allora held his shoulders pushing him away a little so he could look at her.
"I want you" she insisted to which he softly smiled "Not now love, you don't know what you're talking about, you're too young for me to ruin" he smiled smugly trying to annoy her while attempting to stand up but Allora had other plans.
She pulled him towards herself again and placed her lips on his.
"I am old enough."
"Hmm how old are you then?"
"Twenty-three? Interesting, I was doing a lot when you were born."
"I don't care" she was indeed annoyed now.

She pulled him again into another kiss.
He smiled into the kiss, he had been dreaming of kissing Allora since he met her. She tasted like heaven.
He might get addicted.
"I can't seem to resist you" the lust in his eyes was unmistakable as he claimed her mouth with his own again deepening the kiss.
He pulled her closer and lifted her to sit on his lap, her legs parted on both sides of his thighs. The nightdress she wore rose up to her thighs, under which he put his hands.
His lips smashed with hers as her hand tangled in his silky blond hair.
He tenderly ran a hand down her spine, his other one squeezing and kneading the back of her right thigh.
"We have to clean up your wound" he demanded, and Allora put her index finger on his lips "no, the only thing you have to do is to hold me" she was so seductive.
"Allora not today, you had a panic attack and are surely tired."
"You don't want me?"
"Oh god Allora, I want you more than anything."
"You also think I am just a slave here, I'm not attractive at all, all bones and skin."
"Who told you that, you're not just a slave, you are more important to me than anyone, and you are not just bones and skin, Allora, you are the woman I fell in love with, my beautiful diamante" he lifted her head and kissed her forehead.

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