Third chapter

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The next morning after the wedding Lily woke up to the sound of the servants cleaning up the room.
"My lady, his highness has work to do, he told us not to wake you up" one of them talked in a respectful manner.
"Should we prepare breakfast for you" another one spoke.
"It's alright, please go out I need to be alone" her voice came out raspy and cold, she didn't intend to.

Following her order all of them went out. The realization hit her; she was a queen. She had duties and a folk she had to serve. Lily never learned how to do that, and she knew nothing about being a queen. She felt stressed not knowing where to go or what to do. It was not her castle, and she was not with her people. She felt like a stranger.

"Lily calm down, you're going to wear your clothes, get ready and worry about anything else later" she told herself.

Looking around she thought about her so-called husband. Did he come back yesterday or did he sleep with one of his concubines. She didn't know how to feel. For some weird reason she hoped he had 365 of them so he wouldn't visit her for the whole year.

She hated men, all men were like her father. That wasn't a generalization, she met a good amount of that gender, for example the friend of her father, they all were like him.
Cruel creatures.
Yes, he was nice yesterday, but that meant nothing. Men were masters at manipulating.
She got back into the sheets and covered her head. Her heart was aching, and she missed Allora. "Please stop" she put her hand on her heart. She sobbed again slowly going hysterical. Her screams vibrated across the walls.

The guards outside slammed at the door since it was not allowed to enter the room without permission. "My Lady are you alright?" they asked panicking. Trapped in her own loud negative thoughts, she wasn't able to hear their voices.
Her breathing became unstable, and she started to scratch her throat.

All of a sudden, the doors swinged open, and a tall figure ran towards her.
She was held in warm arms, and the unknown person started to talk.
"It's alright, I'm here now" a honey-coated voice rang in her ears.
"Match my breathing" he whispered.
The servants behind the door were peeking at her as if she was a freak. These judging eyes made her feel miserable.
"You are dismissed" Ciel ordered the servants and guards coldly.
Only now she noticed that the person holding her was the one and only Ciel, she tried to push him away. Putting her hands on his hard chest she didn't have the energy to do so.
The urge to vomit rose within her. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead and goosebumps rose on her skin.
"Look at me" he gently directed to Lily "now breath" she did.
The sound of closing the heavy door was loud, however, it wasn't loud enough to take her out of her trance.
That reminded him of the previous night. She was whining and crying non-stop.

"Did you have breakfast?" he asked calmly.
"No" she said with a quiet voice.
"Are you hungry?" wanting to hear her voice again he asked massaging her back.
"No" she answered suppressing a moan, that was about to slied out.
"We can have breakfast in the flower-garden" he hoped she would say yes, while going through her soft hair. She smelled sweet and he hardened his grip.
Silence filled up the room.
"Hmm" she answered. 
"Get ready, I will be waiting for you" his low-peached voice reached her ears.
Lily got up but quickly felt dizzy and was about to fall. Ciel was quick to catch her.
"I'm going to call the servants you cannot get ready alone" he sounded worried while his eyes remained stonic.
"It is fine, I just got up too quickly" not wanting to continue the conversation she just went to the bathroom.

Ciel was waiting for Lily in the garden after ordering the servants to prepare the breakfast.

He actually had breakfast with the royalties and the people, who stayed yesterday after the party. But the fact that everybody was not minding their own business and kept asking where "the queen" was, made him lose his appetite.

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