Chapter 6 - The Bad Prank

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Leah made everyone gather in the library some of them got a seat and she tried to make them calm down while she sent the other ones to go looking for some books, particularly the children, to see if any of them mentioned something about what they just saw.

They spent hours but couldn't find any books talking about a creature without a face with no skin and that opened doors to get to wherever they wanted to get, such lazy creatures, ain't it?

“If we can't find anything about them here, doesn't that mean it is a dead end cause this is the only place we found books that talk about things we can't find outside the black market, and here?“ Olivia asks Axell since they group themselves into 2 to go quicker so as always Axell will always choose Olivia and she too chooses Axell

“I guess, but I'm sure there's something about them here somewhere, we just can't quite put our hand on it yet” replied Axell

Leah was in the middle of the library talking to the other children and Professor who had seen this and was now scared to death.

“Okay, listen, everyone, I need you to stay quiet and please think about something else and not what you just saw”

“But what was that exactly? I've been an archaeologist and taught it for more than 10 years and never came upon something like that till now”

Even when Leah made him sign to stop talking he kept going.

“Created by a child just minutes after she dreams of it, is intriguing for me”

“Professor, professor Dupon — why don't you come with me for a second”

“Oh yes, did I — did I say something wrong? Cause I was just saying how cool it is for a child with such a tale—” he attempted to say while his eyes clued on Ludmilla's sitting in a corner by herself still in shock, just before Leah cut him to say

“No, no, no, not at all, I just want you to—”

“Okay, Devonte why don't you take over and come up with an activity that will make them put their mind on something else, you know what I mean?“

“Absolutely Madame Leah—”

Then he came a little bit closer to her “You need to talk to her cause she doesn't want to talk to anyone else, poor thing she is traumatized”

“I hear you, Devon, I will talk to her later but for now do as I say, and don't let a word about what just happened get out of this room, please”

“I'll try my best” he simply respond

“You got it”

She started to make her way out of the library she asked Prof Dupon to follow her

Outside was Jackson who was guarding the main door, talking with one of the children

“I'm trying to get inside to grab a book I think I lost here for my assignment,” said the girl whom Matthew, one of Marty's friends was bullying earlier.

Hot slim petite black girl, with green pale short hair, and green eyes but it is obvious that she is wearing contacts to change the real color of her eyes and with long nails.

“What is the name of the book again? So I can ask someone to grab it for you cause right now the library is closed to everyone”

“I think it's Ecology 5, something like that, let me check on my note to make sure”

She opens a notebook and says “Yes, that's the name of it” to confirm

He put his hand on the radio attached to his shirt and started barking “I want someone to look for a book named Ecology 5 and bring it outside for me, please”

LOD - The Distorted Ones ☆ Book 1 Of The Series LOD ☆Where stories live. Discover now