Chapter 21 - HU- Mission Complete

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Warm regards to all of you. I realize it is early, but following the most significant discovery and the revelation of a secret location at our meeting, we received a sign pointing to the ideal land that we believed to be safe but is actually rumored to be even safer than before.

Therefore, I want everyone to stop whatever they are doing, pause it, and line up in front of our class so we can all watch for further information, Mama Leah said, via a microphone. Integrated into every aspect of the structure.

All of them leaped off their beds, put on their slippers, and followed Leah's instructions to the letter.

While the others were still asleep, talking about each of the protectors, and was about to be approached by each of their caregivers.

In an attempt to verify that everyone was awake and not dozing off, Leah went down to every class until the bottom of the sight.

She appeared so radiant that everyone was taken aback when they saw her approaching the Bottom Out of Sight.

She was swiftly informed that all six of the children were still asleep, She quickly turned around and entered room HEO234, where Helda and Ludmilla were also staying now.

Staying that they want to stay together cause together they are stronger, Devonte and Leah couldn't oppose that cause deep in their heart they know that they were right.

"Why are they still asleep while everyone is awake?" demanded Leah while approaching them

"I think they feel safe where they at right now, they weren't probably in the same city as everyone else when it all happened" exclaimed Devonte

"Somewhere like DOJHO" added the triplets all togheter, "The safest place in Arcadia, on top of a hill" confirmed Doc 1

"Should we wake them up?" demanded Leah

"Dont think we should wait as the HU-squad was saying, Arcadia ain't safe anymore so safety first, whose with me?" Affirmed Doc 1

"We are" replied the others

"I agree, go get them," stated Devonte

Two of the triplets Docs lay down in the middle of the room and Doc 1 stood up where their head were placed. Everyone stepped backward giving them space to do whatever they had to do.

While Leah mumbled "please be careful,"

"We will" they repeated together before closing their eyes, with a wave of hands, from down raising up, they rose effortlessly in the dream realm, without touching the soil.

Returning to the real world, Mama Leah and Devonte were bursting at the seams to find out what the Hu-SQUAD had told them. In fact, they began looking into the matter to see what was going on. On the other side of the building the SU-SQUARD began making some distress calls to try and determine whether the dream realm was merely attempting to contact them or, worse, if they actually needed their assistance.

Jackson suddenly emerged from nowhere.

"Is Arcadia no longer safe? Please God says no cause all of this time I waste to prove that all of my works was true, we can't go back now," begged Leah "All of this years going to reduce to nothing...please tell me, somgeting good Jackson?"

he was standing in front the doorm's door but since she asked him to say something good he was confused as what to say, so he got inside the dorm and began walking around.

"Well, I don't know what to say to make you feel better. And believe me, I don't want to hear anything negative about this place either but just like me, we already know the outcome. Nothing good can come in this radio when we succeed in getting in contact with them" stated Jackson

LOD - The Distorted Ones ☆ Book 1 Of The Series LOD ☆Where stories live. Discover now