CHAPTER ONE: The explosion.

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As usual, Sonic was fighting some Badniks. Having fun, fighting and spin dashing, then gets to Eggmans base. Where he found out his friends had been captured, he saved them one by one. Then an explosion happened, sending them all back. Sonic helped them out but didn't have the time to save himself... The base burned down.

----Shadow's POV----

I was standing at a tree, where Sonic and I were meant to have a fight, I smelt smoke. I turned to the direction I smelt it from and chaos controlled there, the scent led me to Eggman's base which was on fire, Amy, Tails, and Cream circling around something at a tree, all 3 had burns everywhere. I looked at what they were looking at and my eyes widened as i saw an injured Sonic, scars  and burns everywhere and bleeding.


Cr: "M-Mister Sonic..?"

Cream shook Sonic keeping him awake.

T: "We need to get him to a hospital! Uhm.. Shadow, you wouldn't mind taking Sonic to the hospital right?'

Sh: "Fine."

I picked up the injured blue hedgehog and chaos controlled to a hospital.


                                                           ___END Of PT1.___

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