CHAPTER 2: Aftermath.

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---Sonic's POV---

I slowly woke up with a pounding headache, suddenly I realized I couldn't see. 

S: "...Guys..? Is anyone there....?"

Someone opened the door.

A: "Sonic! Your awake!"

She walked towards me and hugged me.

S: "What... What happened? Why is everything black..?"

A: "You... Don't remember..? The explosion..?"

S: "... Ex...Explosion?"

A sudden burst of memories come back to me.

S: "Oh..."

A: "But your okay now! So how are you feeling? I-Is the temperature in here too high? Are you hungry? Are---"

S: "Amy, I'm fine. I... Just need some time alone."

A: "...Alright, if you need anything call for me."

With that, Amy left the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sat there, drowning in my thoughts.


----Tails' POV----

I was at the grocery store grabbing some ingredients Amy asked me for so she could bake Sonic cookies, I finished getting everything and paid. I walked out the store and returned to Amy's house where Amy was preparing to bake.

A: "Sonic's going to love these cookies!"

T: "Why is there a bag of white particles on the counter--- Is that dru--?!"


T: "Then label it before someone else also confuses it for dr!gs.."

A: "Alright."

After a few hours, Shadow visits Sonic.

S: "Who's there?"

Sh: "Its me, Faker."

S: "Oh."


----END OF PT2---- 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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