•*Part 5*•

401 12 7

•*I keep wanting more and more
A warm dream of you*•

It was race day, and Mika knew she was going to run into Lando, the person she had bumped into on Thursday. However, today, Yuki was going to formally introduce them, which gave her a bit of anxiety, but she was determined to push through it. Yuki was starting in P9, and everyone was hopeful he'd earn some points.

Yuki had to arrive at the track early, so Mika and Maya took an Uber to the paddock. After scanning their Sunday passes, they confidently walked through the paddock, even though Mika had only been there for two days. Photographers gathered at the paddock's entrance, a scene Mika was accustomed to from her airport experiences. Linking arms, they made their way to Alpha Tauri's hospitality.

As they entered the hospitality building, Mika received a text from Yuki, indicating his location. Maya was the first to spot him in the dining area and pointed him out. Yuki inquired about their morning, and Maya quickly responded, mentioning their adjustment to the paddock's layout and hospitality location.

Mika asked Yuki if he was nervous about the race, to which he admitted, "Kind of, I'm hoping I can stay in the points; that would be nice." Yuki shared his anxieties with the two girls, and Mika expressed her hope that he'd stay in the points as well.

Maya reminded Yuki of their desire to meet some of the drivers. Yuki agreed and promised to arrange it, saying, "They're very eager to meet you guys."




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liked by mayayoon, landonorris and more

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liked by mayayoon, landonorris and more...

mikatsunoda - Someone play Baddie by Ive 📷 mayayoon

mayayoon thank you for the photo creds worked so hard to take those 😌
~mikatsunoda thank you ig...
alexkang I'ma baddie ba ba baddie baddie pretty little risky baddie 😍
lunalee 100% best dressed in the paddock 😮‍💨
user43 we see you lurking in the likes Lando 🫢
islando 😓
~snowedinyuki can you stop lurking in my cousins posts please 🙏

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Maya leaned in towards Mika while they waited for Yuki to return with some of the drivers they were meeting. "You know, Mika, I can't help but think you and Lando would make a great pair," Maya remarked. Mika looked puzzled as she responded, "Maya, I haven't even had a proper conversation with him, and he's an F1 driver. Why would I even consider approaching him?"

Maya shrugged, insisting, "I don't know, the way he acted when you two crossed paths, it was evident he's taken an interest in you." Maya had seen some of the things Lando had said about her friend due to Yuki. Mika quickly dismissed the idea, saying, "Shut up, he doesn't."

Mika spotted Yuki approaching with a few drivers, and she mentally prepared herself for the upcoming meeting. As Yuki entered the building with three drivers, including Lando, Maya couldn't help but quip, "Took you long enough, Yuki."

Yuki apologized, "I'm sorry, I couldn't find them. They were all over the place, even though I told them about the morning meeting." A man with an Australian accent, introduced as Oscar, chimed in, "I'm Oscar, by the way, i'm Lando's teammate."

Mika addressed the situation, asking, "Nice to meet you, Oscar. I assume you've all heard about our little collision on Thursday?" Maya added humor, laughing, "Oh, yeah, I think we have all heard about it." Carlos, the man in the red outfit, acknowledged, "Lando has told us all about it. I'm Carlos, by the way."

Mika expressed her remorse, "I'm so sorry about that. I felt terrible." Lando responded, "Oh, you're all good. We were both not paying attention; it's fine." Maya reassured him, "Thank goodness. I was worried you might hate me after that." Mika and Lando drifted into their own conversation.

Meanwhile, the others also conversed. Carlos leaned in and whispered, "Don't tell anyone, but Lando has been lowkey obsessed with Mika for a couple of months now." Maya, excited, suggested, "No way! Should we try to set them up?" Carlos enthusiastically agreed, "One hundred percent, they would be adorable together."

Mika's previous reluctance became apparent, as Maya revealed, "I actually told her he probably likes her, and she shot me down quickly. I think we're going to be great friends, Carlos." Carlos nodded and said, "We sure will."

The drivers bid their farewells. Oscar said, "We need to go, but it was nice meeting you!" Lando added, "See you later," as they departed.

As Yuki made his way to the garage to prepare for the race, Mika was still reeling from the encounter. Maya sensed her excitement and asked, "Are you okay?" Mika admitted, "Yeah, I'm good, just a bit overwhelmed. He's so attractive." Maya encouraged her, "This is great. Thank goodness you're letting go of Stephen." Mika agreed, "Well, I'm still a bit hurt, so it's a bit soon to say those things, but I'm glad too." They walked together to the garage to watch the race.


mayayoon made an instagram group chat with yukitsunoda0511, oscarpiastri and carlossainz55

Operation Milan is a go 🤫

Operation Milan is a go everyone
And their names together are just so perfect

This is about to be crazy 😏

I'm not loving this idea very much guys

She is in safe hands Yuki don't worry 😁


I hope you like it!
Sorry i didn't update yesterday my sleep schedule has been all over the place so I forgot 😅
Don't forget to vote! ♥️

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