•*Part 11*•

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•*I keep wanting more and more
A warm dream of you*•

Mika quickly packed for her flight home, anticipating her reuniting with Luna, her best friend and roommate, after nearly two weeks away. Though she'd taken this two-hour flight countless times, this trip felt different. She felt like she would be going home a new woman, slowly forgetting and coming to terms with her breakup made her feel really good. She had some discomfort of not seeing her mom during her brief visit to Korea, which stung. Mika reflected on the one-sided effort in their meetings, always her trying to see her mom, never the other way around.

Heading to the airport alone, she said her goodbyes to her friends, unable to share the ride due to their busy schedules. The departure lingered as goodbyes were exchanged, delaying her exit by 15 minutes. The driver, patiently waiting, finally loaded her hefty suitcase into the trunk. Mika settled into the back seat. With the flight at nine and the current time being around seven thirty, there was just enough time to navigate the short drive to the airport.

Upon arrival, a brief check-in and a quick coffee stop ensued. Contemplating a message to Lando, she decided to leave it for her future self, leaving her with two hours to figure out what to text him. The boarding call interrupted her thoughts, and she stepped onto the plane, eager to return home.


Stepping off the plane, Mika could already feel the comforting embrace of home. The break from constant travel was a relief, and her social battery was in the negatives after interacting with so many people. Grabbing her bag, she walked towards Luna, who had been waiting as promised. To her amusement, Luna, dressed in a full suit, heels, and sunglasses, held a sign with Mika's name like a private driver. Mika couldn't help but laugh as she approached her best friend, giving her a warm hug. Despite their daily check-ins during Mika's absence, they hadn't delved into in-depth conversations.

Luna, observing Mika's happier demeanor, was delighted that her best friend seemed to be in good spirits after the past month. "I have so much to catch you up on, Luna. You won't believe it," Mika said, embracing Luna, who couldn't help but notice a hint of blush on Mika's face. "You certainly do, especially after those flowers on your story!" Luna exclaimed as they broke from the hug. "I'll spill the details once we're home," Mika replied with a cheeky smile.

Off they went to the car, with Luna updating Mika on her activities during the absence, sharing stories of modeling for various brands in Japan. Mika felt a genuine joy for her best friend as Luna's dreams of becoming a model and idol were coming true.

Upon reaching home, they settled at the kitchen counter to talk. "So, spill it. What's the deal with those flowers?" Luna inquired eagerly. Mika began recounting her experience at the race, introducing Luna to the drivers she met, including Lando, the one who gave her the flowers. "He's really sweet, but remember when I went to the club and... well, had sex with Ryan?" Mika asked, recalling the club incident. "Yeah," Luna replied, puzzled. "Well, people think the flowers are from Ryan because they saw us leaving the club together," Mika explained. "Oh girl, that's not good," Luna responded. "Exactly, and I still haven't apologized to Lando. I feel really bad, but I plan to do it later today," Mika admitted. "You better, he sounds sweet," Luna warned with a smile. "He is. I'll show you the note later. Now, can you please make me some food?" Mika requested, wearing a sweet smile and folding her hands in a begging gesture. "Okay, I will," Luna replied, rolling her eyes and standing up. "Thank you," Mika said, drawing out the word, and walked to her room to unpack and wash her clothes.

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