•*Part 15*•

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•*I keep wanting more and more
A warm dream of you*•

Mika found herself standing in front of the hotel bathroom mirror, anticipation building as she prepared for the evening ahead. Lando's promise echoed in her mind — a date if he secured a podium finish. Choosing comfort in the chilly UK air, she opted for a cozy sweater paired with dark blue jeans.

A rhythmic series of knocks reverberated through her hotel room, and she swiftly responded, catching a quick glimpse of herself in the mirror before grabbing her bag. As she approached the door, excitement mingled with nerves.

Upon opening the door, Mika was met with a charming sight — Lando, a bouquet of flowers in hand, dressed in a sleek black button-up. "You look great," he complimented, his eyes reflecting surprise at her beauty. Blushing, Mika returned the compliment, and together, they embarked on their unconventional celebration.

In the elevator, Mika couldn't contain her curiosity. "So, where are we going?" she inquired. Lando, with a teasing smile, responded, "It's a surprise; you'll have to wait and see." A playful groan escaped Mika as she imagined various scenarios, eliciting laughter from both.

Seated in the car, flowers strategically covering her face, Mika remained unaware as Lando discreetly snapped a photo. During the drive, conversation flowed naturally. Mika shared her week-long craving for Italian cuisine, unknowingly aligning with Lando's well-thought-out plan.

As they neared their mysterious destination, Lando parked in a downtown area, offering a glimpse of a not overly fancy place — a subtle nod to Mika's preferences. Gallantly opening the car door, Lando revealed the charming restaurant, and Mika's eyes sparkled with delight.

Seated at their table, Mika couldn't help but praise Lando's impeccable choice of a date spot. Lando, revealing the Italian cuisine, observed her genuine happiness. The evening unfolded with laughter and conversation, ranging from their favorite music to the quirks of their favorite animals. Mika couldn't deny that this was, indeed, the best date she had ever experienced.


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landonorris posted a story!

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long!
My life has been so hectic and I've been experiencing major writers block!
I will try to get back into a better rhythm, I love you all ♥️♥️♥️


The songs on the stories are In A Good Way by Faye Webster for Mika and 3005 By Childish Gambino for Lando ♥️♥️♥️

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