The kid with the watch PT1

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Peter is seen walking the halls of the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier, he then turns and looks at the screen which enters the freeze frame

"Hey readers, checking out the new book hey? Dont blame ya, anyways, i know you want to get to the action and stuff, i do to, but this has to stay kinda similar to its original counterpart, well, not original original, just my version, uh this version, screw it, this is getting complicated, anyways, im about to check on my team of best friends, like Ava, Luke, Danny, and thats it, oh, and theres Sam, but, i would say hes more of an associate then a friend." 

"Spider-Man." Nick Fury said startling Peter out of his freeze frame

"Oh, hey Fury." Spider-Man said as he calmed down

"Come with me." Nick Fury said

"But i was just about to-

"Your teams waiting." Nick said walking off

Spider-Man quickly followed behind

"So, whats the plan exactly?." Spider-Man asked

"We will brief about it, when we get there with the rest of your team." Nick said

"I wonder if its another HYDRA thing, no, maybe were kicking a teammate off? Okay thats stupid." 

"Spider-Man, were here." Nick said as he opened the doors to the main room where the others stood

"Hey Spider-Man did you get lost?." Nova joked

Spider-Man walked next to him

"Hey, i bet you couldnt find your way around this area without your helmet on!." Spider-Man yelled pointing at his helmet

"I too can so! You probably cant without a guide!." Nova yelled back

"You have an in built map!." Spider-Man yelled

"I do not! Prove it!." Nova yelled

"Map! Tell me where midtown high is!?." Spider-Man yelled

"I have found the best routes, would you like to hear the-

Nova quickly kept tapping the helmet

"Shut up shut up shut up!." Nova gritted through his teeth, just then the map shut off

"Are you both finished yet?." Nick asked

The duo looked at him while the other three snickered 

Nick sighed

"So, are you going to tell us what this is about?." Spider-Man asked

"Are we kicking him from the team?." Nova asked pointing at Spider-Man 

"Teenagers." Nick sighed 

He then walked to the holo screen being projected 

"As you five know, you've been a team for awhile now, and you have yet learned anything about being a team." Nick said

"What, we have, its just his orders and plans suck." Nova pointed at Spider-Man 

"Well, i dont see you making any plans." Spider-Man said crossing his arms

"I gotta hand it to Spider-Man, he did get you there, you never make any good plans or any plans for that matter." Power-man said

"Anyways! You all clearly need to learn a thing or two about being a team that works together." Nick said 

"So, your getting us a teacher to teach us how to be a team?." Spider-Man asked

"No, not exactly, but lets just say, i have an old friend who may give you someone to give you some help." Nick said

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