Its about time

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The gang were seen in school, walking along to their next class

"Hey miss me? Bet you did, anyways it seems like after that last mission we made a new villain, a purple crab alien called Doctor Psychobos, and he revealed something about a device? I don't now exactly, when we found Fury he knew nothing about this and thought it would be a simple in and out mission, so this guy were fighting is smarter then S.H.I.E.L.D which isnt great, cause i have a bad feeling about it, also another thing, Ben and Ava have been acting a little weird around each other, and when i say that, i mean they act all awkward with each other and they seem to keep their distance, which is odd, whatever happened while we were under mind control seemed to stick with them." 

Peter then heard Sam complain

"I hate school, we shouldnt be here, we should be out there fighting!." Sam groaned

"Dude, even if we could, what would you do after theres no crime?." Ben asked

"I would go chill out." Sam said

"Then what? You'll have to quit the hero business, then what? Your just gonna be like me a year ago, be a regular teen." Ben said

"Well i'll go around the world to save people." Sam said

"Then what?." Ben asked

"Well I- I... i dont know okay!." Sam yelled 

"Dude take it from me, when i was a kid, i nearly lost my life multiple times because of the Omnitrix." Ben said

"Omnitrix? Dont you mean Ultimatrix?." Peter asked

"Nope, way back when i was a kid, i found the original Omnitrix in a pod from space, i used it to become a hero." Ben explained 

"So you've been a hero longer then all of us?." Luke asked

"Aw i wish i had powers as a kid! I would be so rich and famous!." Sam said as he imagined his life as a rich man with girls gushing over him

"Hey, i didnt do it for the fame and money... okay maybe the fame and attention, but to be a true hero, you have to act like one." Ben said breaking Sam's bubble

They heard beeps, grabbing their phones seeing a S.H.I.E.L.D alert 

"Alright team, its go time." Peter said as they ran off


"Great your here." Nick said as the heroes stood before him

"Director whats wrong?." Ben asked

A screen popped up with Doctor doom

"This is doctor doom, he is a dangerous villain." Nick said

"I remember." Spider-Man said crossing his arms 

"How dangerous we talking about?." Ben asked

"Very." Nick responded 

"Yeah, me and cap went to receive his shield after Doom got ahold of it." Spider-Man said as Nick got annoyed

He then cleared his throat

"Anyways! He recently stole an ancient artifice call the hands of time and after that, he disappeared." Nick said

"So you want us to find him?." Spider-Man asked


"Oh, okay, straight to it, got it." Spider-Man said 

"Wait let me get this straight, you want a bunch of teenagers to go find a very dangerous villain who possibly now controls time and stop him whilst trying not to die?." Nova asked

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