Field trip

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"And all your permission slips must be signed by a parent or legal guardian." The teacher said handing out the permission slips to the class, ben was sitting next to Peter

"Okay, so you maybe wondering, how the heck did ben Tennyson, the new guy to the team, wielder of the ultimatrix manage to get into MY school? Well, Nick apparently gave Agent Coulson a fake exchange student ordeal to have Ben here." 

"so whats this field trip to exactly?." Ben asked

"Its to Stark Tower, yeah i know, the big man, Tony Stark himself, the Iron Man, and sometimes my mentor." Peter said

"Dude dont get far ahead of yourself." Luke said

"Yeah, you gushing over Iron man is weird." Sam said

"It is not, your just jealous." Peter said annoyed 

"Jealous of what? You know, i did work with the Guardians of the Galaxy before." Sam said prideful as the guardians of the galaxy appear behind him in a stance with the title card 'Guardians of the Galaxy' behind him

"Who?." Ben asked making Sam annoyed as it destroyed his pridefulness 

"Besides the point, i think he'll be glad to see the team in full action." Peter said making the team minus ben rolling their eyes 

"Yeah like last time wasnt a total fail." Sam said

"What happened last time?." Ben asked curious 

"Last time we helped Iron man, it was with stopping a HYDRA delivery, and while we tried to stop them, we somehow just ended up defeated in a net, and werent freed until the rest showed up, talk about humiliation." Luke said

"You know, i keep mentioning this to the team, but that wasnt a fail, it was just... how do i put it? It was an experiment that went wrong, yeah, that works."

"Well, maybe next time it will be different, you never know." Ben said as the bell rang

"And class, before you leave, you must pair up with another student in this class!." The teacher yelled out as they were walking away

"Legal parent or guardian? Do you think i can ask Director Fury for a signature?." Ben asked the team

"Nope, he wont do it." Luke said

"Trust me, i have tried way too many times." Peter said as a flashback occurs

"Hey so nick, could i borrow your signature-

"Hey Nick my pal, my bro, my guy, wanna give me a signature for this?."


"Well, you can always ask Aunt May, im sure she would be fine." Peter suggested

Bens got an idea

"Wait here, i got an idea." Ben said as he ran behind some lockers and transformed zooming past his team

"Did ben just ditch us?." Peter asked as a blue blur came back, engulfed by a green light returning to ben 

"Just got Grandpa to sign it." Ben smirked 

They looked flabbergasted 

"How?! You were just gone for 3 seconds!?." Peter yelled confused

"Trust me when i say my grandpa knows the drill." Ben said as they began walking again

"So, whos going with who?." Peter asked the gang who kept walking

"Well, i know who im going with." Luke said as he and Danny side hugged

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