Episode 2 || May the tour begin!

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Trent's pov:
The car ride went on for three hours or so to a neighborhood in Alberta.

And i couldn't stop thinking about Justin.

About the way our hands touched last night. And about the eye contact we made for a second or so which felt like a fever dream.
It all felt... right.
Like it was meant to be.
Maybe- maybe i do like him.
And- maybe i'm not straight after all.
But what am i then?

"Hey trent, u good?", Cody snapped his fingers infront of my eyes.
"Oh um what?", I said in confusion.
"You were daydreaming.", Cody said.
"Anyways, we're arriving in 15 minutes so u might wanna start packing up your stuff." ,He said then returned to pack up his.
"Oh yeah, right. Thanks bud.", I mumbled and started packing up my things.

The caravan went througth different streets, each one weirder than the other, through alleys and through aisls, till we finally reached a small cabin.
"This is where you'll be staying. But don't get all excited, you're only here for two shows.", Noah said as we chose our beds and packed our things.
"Right after u finish packing, u gotta do soundcheck. Show's in six hours!" He shouted while he left the cabin.
"This dude seriously needs to take a pill", Justin said.
"Agree", I said.
"We still gotta listen to him tho. Are you all done packing?", Harold asked.
We all noded, then headed outside, onto the carvan and drove five minutes to a huge, open festival stage. "Wohoho, this is huge!", Harold said. "Wait, how many people are we gonna play infront again?",He asked Noah.
"About 10,000? I don't exactly know."
Noah replied.
"Wow, that's a lot of people.", Cody said.
"But you know what you don't have a lot of? TIME! START DOING SOUNDCHECK ALREADY!"

The stage was even bigger than it seemed from afar. Like it could fit at least 4 more people.
We all started practicing, each with his own instrument, and i noticed Justin fidgeting his hands.
He looked unusually... nervous.
Like something bothered him.
Really bothered him.

"Hey, is everything alright?", i asked him.
"Yeah, yk just a bit nervous that's all.", he said, hesitating.
"But you've done this multiple times! Nothing has changed."
"Yeah, expect this time we're playing infront of 10,000 people on the first gig.", Justin said and looked down.

Something wasn't right.

"I just- i don't know why i'm all of the sudden nervous. i'm confused too.", he said to me.
"It's gonna be alright, bud, i promise.", i said, then lowered down so we'd be the same height.
I looked into his beautiful, deep blue eyes as he raised his head.
"And if u ever need to talk", i whispered to him, "I'm always here for u, no matter what."

He smiled at me his charming, graceful smile.
I smiled back.

Everything seemed to be healing.

"How's soundcheck going, boys?", Noah interrupted us.
We both quicky got up and pretended to be playing our instruments, Justin with his tambourine and me with my guitar.
'Pretty good", Cody said.
"Good. Anyways I've just been informed that Bridgette and Geoff are coming to your gig", he said.
"Oh, cool", Harold said.
"And", Noah sighed, "Sierra too."
'Awh no man are you kidding me!", Cody looked devestated. "But- how did she find out we were touring here? I blocked her on every single social platform! And all of her accounts on each one!"
"How many accounts did she even have?", Noah asked.
"26...", Cody got a notification. "And now 27. She made a new one. Yesterday.", he sighed.
"Wow, only 27? I'm surprised.", Noah said.
Cody sighed again. "Could u at least make sure she doesn't enter the backstage?"
"She'll go feral if we won't let her into the backstage. Remember what happened last tour?", Noah said.
"Oh, yeah...", Cody said in despair.
"But if u get uncomfortable, I'll make sure to get u out of it. I promise.", Noah smiled.
"Thanks, Noah.", Cody smiled at him back.
"Anyways, that's all i came here to say. I won't interrupt you all again. Continue doing soundcheck.", Noah said as he walked away while writing stuff on a brown cupboard and shouting orders into his mic.

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