Episode 1 || Into the tour caravan

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Trent's pov:
"Woohoo! Tour number 4 baby let's go!" Harold shouted in excitement all around the relaxing room.
"Not so fast, ginger head." Noah- our tour manager- said. "We've still gotta check the costumes, do a sound check, organize the makeup-"
"Oh c'mon Noah, we can do that tomorrow morning and u know that. The actual show begins tomorrow night, so we better get some rest first Plus, i don't need makeup with that pretty face of mine." Justin said and winked at my direction.
I giggled.

Joining the Drama brothers has been the best decision I've made. They're all incredibly cool.
Especially justin.
Sure, he's hot and stuff, but once u get to know the guy you realize he's way more than just a pretty face. He's fun to talk with and he also finds the good in stuff and he's incredibly funny and smart and-
But i know for a fact that i'm straight.
Well, at least i was the last time i checked.
So why all of the sudden i feel a certain... something for Justin?
No, no that's just in my head.
It's just him distracting me with his incredibly symmetrical jaw, and beautiful, ocean blue eyes-
Focus, Trent, focus!
"Justin's right. We better get some rest before the show. Plus, aren't you supposed to be taking care of all of these?" Cody said.
"Right. I have to do everything here while you guys lay around and chit chat. Bunch of lazy asses super geeks..." Noah muttered to himself, although everyone could hear him.
"Says the one with a book in his hands 24/7!" Cody shouted to him while he turned back, rolled his eyes and went back to work.
We all laughed.
"He's so heavy sometimes", said Justin.
"True", i agreed with him, "but u gotta admit, he's wayyy better than Courtney."
"Way way better", cody agreed.
"Why aren't you getting back to work you bunch of lazy ass nerds?! Get back to work now!!" Justin mimicked Courtney.
We all laughed.
Ugh, he's so cute-
No, no, he's just hot-
What is wrong with me?!
"Courtney was uh... something...", Harold said. "She did do her job tho."
"If by 'doing her job' you mean shouting at us every five seconds for breathing, then yeah, I'd say she had done a pretty good job." I said.
Noah walked into the small, yet messy room with his usual bored face.
"Alright, i checked everything. You can do your little party now."
"Woohoo!" Harold shouted and did his little dance.
"Pls stop." Noah said with a disgusted face.
"Awh c'mon Noah, we know you like to party too."
"No i don't." Noah mumbled. Cody smiled at him.
"No i donnnn-" Cody pulled noah into the room and twirled him until he lost balance and fell to the floor.
"Ow!", he said wrapping his hands our his knee.
"I'm so sorry", Cody quicky apologized. "Are you alright mate?"
"I'm fine", he said while getting up and getting the dust off his shirt. He sighed. "I hate u guys", he said sarcastically and left the room.
We waited for him to leave, then burst out laughing.
"I love seeing Noah suffer", Harold said.
"Ngl, same", I said.
"I think we should do one last rehearsal before tommrow's sound check rn. Who's with me?" Justin asked.
"I'm down", I quickly said.
Any idea Justin suggests is a good idea, i'm convinced.
"Same", said Cody & Harold.
"Well, we should pair up. Cody and harold work together while me and Trent work together. Good with everyone?"
We all noded, then got up and made our way to the studios.

Justin's pov:
I picked Trent so i could be with him. Sure, Cody and Harold are cool, but he's something special. If i'm being honest, he could work well in the model business. He's got that perfect black hair and fascinating green eyes you immediately fall for, and he's got a pretty good height.
But well despite that and despite the fact he could model if he wanted, he's a good person.
Possibly the best one i ever met.
Me, him, Harold & Cody walked into our studios and separated, each pair into his own studio, and started practicing. He got his guitar out of it's case and started practicing one of the songs. God, he looks so cute playing his guitar. I mean-
Ok fine, i like him.
I like him a lot.
I just hope he feels the same way about me.
He probably doesn't tho...
"Ugh! That stupid chord!", Trent mumbled and dropped his guitar on the floor.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?", I asked him.
"I can't seem to get that last chord right. I swear, i remembered it five minutes ago!", He raged.
"Calm down buddy. Calm down. Do you remember which chord it was?" I asked him, trying to remain calm and not get distracted by his facisinsting eyes.
Trent picked up his guitar and made sure it was on his lap. "Um..no i forgot it...", he looked down in embarrassment.
"Hey! It's alright mate! Here, I'll search it for you."
I scrolled through my phone trying to find the chords for the song.
"Here! It says it's a C minor 2?"
"Oh right! Thanks, Justin." He smiled.
"Anytime!" I replied with a bigger smile. "Now, go and play that chord like your whole life depend on it!"
He giggled.
"Will do!" He said while laughing.
"You got this, pal." I said while putting my hand on his.
He looked up to me.
We made eye contact for a split second or so, not more than that.

But in that split second it seemed like the world was stopping, just for us.

But then time returned, and the world moved on, like it always did.

He blushed and looked away.
Maybe it was too early.
Or maybe he just didn't want it at all, since there was akward silence for good 2 minutes.

I blew it all.
Like i always do.

After two minutes of silence, he coughed, picked up his guitar and continued practicing. And so did I with my tambourine until it became late.

"Goodnight, Justin.", he said before he walked to his bedroom.
"Goodnight, Trent." I whispered back.

"Wakey wakey! It's tour day!", Noah shouted with a megaphone in his hands.
"Ow! What r you, Chris?", Trent mumbled.
"Yeah, what was that for?", I said.
"So you'd wake up! Obviously! We need to get in the caravan in 20 minutes. So get up, dorks!" Noah shouted at us.
We all quickly got up and started to get ready.
"Hey um... i'm sorry about yesterday." I quickly approached Trent.
"No it's- it's alright. You were fine. It was actually kinda nice having someone comforting you.", Trent smiled. "I guess i was just- confused at the moment or just really tired."
He did look a lil tired.
There were puffy, black, eyebags under his eyes.
Maybe it was a mix of both.
"Are you two done getting ready?!", Noah shouted.
"Yes Noah!", they both replied.
We all laughed and went outside.
"Listen, just- could u promise to tell me if you're uncomfortable? I- i will stop doing- whatever makes u feel like it." I whispered to Trent when we reached the caravan's door step.
"Hey, no need to feel guilty. And- i will tell you."
"Promise?" I asked as the caravan's door closed.
"Promise." He replied, while the caravan finally started moving.

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