Episode 5 || A party is a cause for trouble

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Tw for this episode: mild/moderate (?) violence & mild homophobia, (a bit) blood
Trent's pov:
I woke up slowly, my vision a bit blurry, as the morning rays danced on the covers of the bed and all the way up to me and Justin, softly dancing and moving from side to side. I still felt the warmth of Justin's body, his hands now a bit loose yet still stretched and wrapped around me in an embrace.
I carefully wiggled my way out of the bed to not wake Justin up, and headed to the shower. The events of last night slowly flooded my brain then, being played on repeat, like a really good movie you can't stop thinking about as u rewatch the best scenes of it in your head.
That was my exact feeling.
My cheeks flustered a bit from the throught as I got inside a warm, comforting shower.
As I dressed and got out, a towel on my shoulder, Justin rolled over to face me, rubbing his eyes and groaning.
"Morning sleepyhead", I chuckled, walked over to the bed and sat where Justin's legs were stretched all over. As he got up, he bended his legs and curled them up into a ball, yawning and stretching his arms.
"Morning.", he said, smiling.
I got up to hang my towel then returned to the same position I was in.
"So...", I started saying, "you ready for the party today?"
"I hope so."
"Well we can always leave you know? The band and Noah aren't huge party people themselves, so i'm sure they wouldn't mind leaving either."
"You have a point", Justin said as he wiggled his way out of the bed. "Well, I better get ready. Big day ahead of us after all."
We had the entire morning to ourselves, but then in the afternoon held a gig at a quite big indoor venue around 16:30 that lasted an hour and a half, and overall went pretty well.
Right after it, we immediately headed back to the hotel and started getting ready.
I didn't put much thought into my outfit as I really didn't care much about the party either- I threw on me some baggy blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt with a green The Smiths hoodie over it and a pair of black converse.
Meanwhile, it seemed as if Justin cared a lot about his outfit, because he wore a buttoned, sage-green t-shirt, slim blue jeans, and I could notice he was wearing a bit of makeup.
I couldn't help but stare and admire the tan boy, my cheeks flustered, as he spoke.
"So, how do I look?", he asked, posing confidently and grinning with teeth.
I quickly snapped out of my trance and walked up to him.
"You look... great!", I said, smiling at him, and received a smile back.
"Well, we better get going", he said, walking to the door and opening it, and I walked right after him.
Outside waited Cody and Harold, who were talking to each other, and an annoyed Noah, who showed zero interest in their conversation and was waiting for the Uber he ordered.

It arrived after three minutes, and as soon as we got into the Uber and he paid the driver, he started rambling to us about dont's at the party, which the majority of us payed little to no attention to.
"...And no alcohol, most certainly, you hear me?", he frowned, pointing a warning finger at all of us.
We all noded as we got out of the Uber and standed infront of the party boy's 3-story house, waiting for him to open the door after Noah rang it's bell.
After a few seconds, a tall, blonde guy, who had a huge smile all over his face, opened the door and welcomed us into the party, who seemed to have it's music on full volume, and overwhelming lights dancing on the floor from the roof.

Everyone then went to do their own shit: Noah unwillingly high- fived Izzy, Eva and Owen, who then squished him into a choking hug. Harold and Cody were talking, Cody tried to avoid Sierra as much as possible, and me and Justin sat on the staircase leading to the second floor, drinking a non-alcoholic punch and talking, when suddenly a familiar face bumped into us.
"Hey.", the goth girl said.

"Gwen...Hey.", I said awkwardly, remembering our meeting not a while ago. We both stood there, awkward tension feeling the air, until Gwen spoke.
"Listen Trent, we need to talk."
"Yeah, sure, what's up?", I said, my eyebrow raised.
"Look, I know things r awkward between us with the whole me-being-your-ex thing, and I'm sorry if I made you feel comfortable back in Alberta-"
"I should be the one apologizing", I stopped her. "I was being a jerk. Things shouldn't be that awkward between us. It's been years."
"Well then, friends?", she asked me with a friendly glare.
"Now, if u don't mind", she said and swapped with her hand, hinting me and Justin to get out of the way.
"Oop, sorry.", I stood up and cleared the way so she could get through, then returned talking to Justin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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