Episode 4 || When the sun goes down, things change

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Trent's pov:
The next morning, we packed our stuff and immediately hopped on the caravan and started driving to the airport of Alberta to get to Ontario. Gwen promised to take our caravan back, and so we waved goodbye when we reached the airport. The flight took about four and a half hours, then we finally landed in Ontario.

"Ok listen up dorks this time we're staying at a motel and it's not opening till like 8am", Noah said while we were on a bus, not knowing where it was going. "I know you all are exhausted. I am too, trust. But we have nowhere to rest at currently. So, to spend your time, this bus is stopping at the mall. So uh, be there i guess."
"Wicked!", Harold said. "Thanks Noah!"
"Yeah yeah just go already", he rolled his eyes as we got off the bus.
We were there for hours. I was sometimes with the others, mainly with Justin. We tried on clothes, bought coffee and laughed at some horrific wigs we found at a costume shop.
It was like things became a thousand times better when Justin was around.
Hanging out with him was all i needed.

Time flew by so fast, and before i could even notice, Noah texted us to gather at the entrance, just like little kids, although we were all the same age. When me and Justin arrived, Harold, Noah and Cody were already there, waiting.
"Finally. Took you long enough. Now let's go.", Noah said and rolled his eyes as we got on a bus that drove all the way to a small motel called "Ontario Motels". The motel was a bit too small, I'd say, but it was in a good placement, so it didn't really bother me.
When we arrived, the sky we're already starting to be painted in it's usual bright sunset colors.
Noah led us to a line of small apartments with doors with numbers marked on them. He suddenly stopped when we we're standing infront of 3 apartments: 54, 55 & 56, who all seemed to connect to eachother.
"Ok this time you'll have to sleep together in a two sided bed but one of you will have to sleep alone. And, i know since i'm the tour manager, i'm supposed to decide where each of you will be sleeping, but i'm feeling extra nice today, so pick them yourselves." Noah said with a smile.
"I'll go alone", Harold shrugged. It was honestly predictable, considering he wasn't really close with anyone on the band and was probably the least liked out them all.
"Alright then I'll go with...Cody i guess?", Noah said.
I don't know if i imagined or not, but i could see Cody's face redding a bit and a tiny smile appearing on his face.
"Yeah sure!", Cody said in a calm tone, although it was clear he tried to hold his excitement in.
I glared at Justin, who sat down on the other side of the small sidewalk near the apartments. He returned a smile as Noah said:
"Alright then. It's not that late, but i assume you all are exhausted, so just make sure you get in bed sometime so you'll have enough sleep. Night." Noah said as he and Cody entered their room that was marked in "55". Harold did the same right after them, dragging himslef to "54". Only Justin still sat on the ground, looking down. I was about to enter our apartment, just as he said: "Uh, Trent?"
I turned around. "What's up?", i asked him, confused.
"I just wanted to say... thank you for saving my butt back in Alberta. I definitely owe you one."
I sat next to him so we could talk in the eye level. "Hey, you don't owe me anything. It was the least i could do. Although now thinking about it i wish I've done something earlier...", i said, looking away. I still felt a bit guilty about the fact i pushed it until the show was over.
"You carried me through the entire 15 minute walk, made sure i was ok, and you were the only one who i think even...noticed.", he said. "Just that was enough."
"Eh, it was nothing, really. Anyone could've done that.", I shrugged.
"I doubt that anyone would've acted as quickly as u did. Plus, you did it in a way that just instantly made me feel better."
"I... did?"
"Yeah, definitely."
There was silence for a while, as we both stared at the sky, who by now were starting to turn into a dark shade of blue and get filled with small shiny stars.
"What even... happened that night?", I said, being the first one to break the silence.
"I don't know. Maybe the pre-show pressure got into me. Or maybe I just got distracted by something and lost control and...I panicked.", Justin said with a sad smile.
"I'm just glad you're ok.", I smiled.
I don't know what was going inside my head that moment, but I just had the urge to kiss his soft, tan lips.
And before I could even notice, I slid over to him to get closer

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